Technologies Derek Middleton, Qualifications Development Manager Scottish Qualifications Authority
Technologies: Overview SCQF Level National Courses 7 Computing Science Graphic Communication Design and Manufacture Engineering Science -- 6 Computing Science Graphic Communication Design and Manufacture Engineering Science -- 5 Computing Science Graphic Communication Design and Manufacture Engineering Science Practical Woodworking Practical Metalworking Practical Electronics 4 Computing Science Graphic Communication Design and Manufacture Engineering Science Practical Woodworking Practical Metalworking Practical Electronics 3 Computing Science Design and Technology Practical Craft Skills -
New National Qualifications Support learning – assessment follows the curriculum Support aims, purposes and principles of Curriculum for Excellence Provide progression from Experiences and Outcomes and maximizes curriculum continuity between levels Build on existing strengths of reputation, standards, reliability and validity of Scottish qualifications Provide more flexibility and choice
Provide progression Clear progression routes Computing Science Design and Manufacture Hierarchical Units Engineering Science Integrated Courses Design and Technology Practical Craft Skills
Assessment supporting learning Use of assignments to assess Added Value Units Use of assignments to assess application of skills in Course Assessments Question Papers focusing on Knowledge and Understanding
Flexibility and choice Computing Science: choice of problem contexts Graphic Communication: flexibility in use of manual and computer-aided techniques Design and Manufacture: choice of design tasks Engineering Science: Contexts and Challenges Unit
Key messages Combining of Courses Computing Science Design and Manufacture Methods of Assessment Graphic Communication Changes since draft publication Computing Science title Unit titles in Engineering Science Unit titles in Practical Electronics Amendments/clarifications to Outcomes and Assessment standards in all Courses
Assessment Support Overview Added Value Unit (National 4) Specimen Coursework (National 5) Unit Assessment Support (National 3 -5) - Computing ScienceUnit by Unit - Design and ManufactureCombined - Engineering SciencePortfolio - Graphic CommunicationCombined - Practical ElectronicsPortfolio - Practical MetalworkingUnit by Unit - Practical WoodworkingUnit by Unit - Practical Craft SkillsUnit by Unit - Design & TechnologyPortfolio