1. Introduction of Photonics IMEC: Electronics ICT report Chee Wee Liu, Department of EE, NTU
Photonics21 Work Groups Photoncis21 is a European Technology Platform found in2005. The members of Photonics21 are representative of European photonics industry, research institutions and colleges. With 1400 members in 49 countries. 7 Work Groups (WGs): 4WGs are application-oriented, 3WGs focus on cross-disciplinary issues. WG1 Information & Communication WG2 Industrial Manufacturing and Quality WG3 Life Science & Health WG4 Lighting & Display WG6 Novel Optical Components & Systems WG7 Research, Education & Training WG5 Security, Metrology &Sensors Application Cross Section Issue
Energy-Efficient Lighting Toward Low-Carbon Economy -High efficient White LED (>180lm/W). -Low cost LED manufacturing. -Standardised LED light engines. Main application -Illumination and Displays. LED lighting Sodium lamps
Renewable Energy Generation Demand - 12% market share of EU electricity demand for photovoltaics in (EPIA) - 20% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by Expected Efficiency in Improve solar cell efficiency by 30%. - Achieve costs < €0.1per kWh for electricity. Using Laser systems to improve the solar cell’s quality and performance. EPIA: EUROPEAN PHOTOVOLTAIC INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION
Information & Communication Demand - Network bit rates will be as high as 40Gbps and total transmission capacity per carrier will be in the 100 Tbps range by (from OIDA’s report) Large optical network system - Faster data communication (broad bandwidth access). On-chip optical interconnect - Si-based optical interconnect is a promising solution for a faster on-chip interconnect. - A novel technology used to replace old Cu metal contact. - Short-term application: inter-chip communication. - Long-term application: large optical integrated circuits (including optical logic devices). Intel‘s optical interconnect OIDA: Optoelectronics Industry Development Association
Life Science & Health Cancer -Laser surgery (Less invasive). -A faster and reliable cancer detection method (CARS, SRS). Eye cure -Cellular resolution image from within the retina (OCT). Preclinical research -High speed detection (real time 3D image). -High resolution image (angstrom-scale). -High precision. Under White light Under Fluorescent light Optical tomography CARS: Coherent anti-Stokes Raman Scattering microscopy SRS: Stimulated Raman Scattering OCT: optical coherence tomography
IMEC Research Programs CMOS Scaling ─ focus on (sub-)22nm technology nodes – Lithography, 3D integration, Emerging devices, Logic DRAM devices, Flash memories, Interconnects CMOS-based heterogeneous integration (CMORE) – SiGe MEMS, GaN power electronics and LEDs, Silicon photonics, Power devices, and mixed-signal technologies Human++ ─ healthcare domain – Wearable and implantable body area networks, with low-power components, radios and sensors, life sciences Energy ― Photovoltaics and GaN power electronics Smart Systems – Power-efficient green radios, large-area electronics, wireless autonomous transducer systems, innovative visualization systems
Lithography ― Water based ArF immersion lithography with double patterning ― Extreme ultra-violet (EUV) lithography (13.5nm wavelength). Logic/DRAM Devices ― High-mobility channel devices (Ge & III/V) ― Logic and dynamic RAM ― Scaling to 22 and 15nm nodes for bulk planar and MuG FETs ― Gate-first/gate-last HKMG (EOT scaling, single or dual dielectric) 22nm Interconnect technology (Cu/low-K) ― Scaling of the dielectric constant & Pitch ― Advanced barrier, seed, copper resistivity and copper contacts ― Barrier and dielectric reliability 3D integration ― through-silicon vias (TSV) Flesh ― floating-gate and nitride-based technology Emerging devices ― Resistive RAM (RRAM), Floating-body RAM (FBRAM) IMEC COMS Scaling TSV
Power devices and mixed-signal technologies ― High voltage Si-based power devices ― High-speed SiGe:C BiCMOS SiGe MEMS technology platform and design platform ― MEMS packaging ― Testing and Reliability of MEMS Silicon photonics GaN ― GaN epitaxial layer growth ― GaN for RF power amplification and high power conversion ― GaN light-emitting diodes Vision systems ― Hybrid backside illuminated imagers ― Hyperspectral imaging CMOS-based heterogeneous integration (CMORE) More-than-Moore R&D A platform to turn novel concepts into products SOI waveguide
Wearable and implantable body area networks ― Wireless Sensors and actuators ― Ultralow-power analog interfaces ― Ultralow-power radio ― Micropower generation and storage ― Integration technology for wearable and implantable applications ― Integrated wearable systems Life sciences ― Functional nanosystems ― In-vitro bioelectronic systems ― In-vivo bioelectronic systems ― Biosensors ― Micro total analysis systems Human++ wireless autonomous sensor system
Photovoltaics (Solar+) ― Crystalline Si solar cells ― High-efficiency PV stacks for terrestrial concentrators (III-V cells) ― Thermovoltaic (TPV) systems for electricity co-generation (Low-bandgap cells) ― Organic photovoltaics GaN ― GaN epitaxial layer growth ― GaN for RF power amplification and high power conversion ― GaN light-emitting diodes Energy high-efficiency photovoltaic stack
Power efficient green radio ― Cognitive radio: opening new horizons in wireless communication ― 60GHz wireless communication: boosting high-data-rate short-range connectivity ― Ultralow power wireless: getting mega-performance from micro-Watts Vision systems ― Hyperspectral imaging ― Adaptive resilient embedded systems (ARES) ― MultiView Large-area electronics and systems-in-foil ― Organic light-emitting devices ― Organic photovoltaics ― Organic and oxide electronics Smart Systems Wafer with organic RFID