Body Systems Skeletal and Muscular PEP Curriculum
Bell Ringer Journal: List as many bones you can think of and where they are located- proper names only! What is the purpose of your skeletal system? List as many muscles as you can and where they are located. How many muscles do you think are in the body?
Skeletal System Notes Skeletal system- an internal system made up of bones, joints, and connective tissue There are 206 bones in the body. What the skeletal system does for you: Supports your body Allows movement Protects soft tissue Forms blood cells
Connective tissue: Cartilage- strong, flexible tissue that cushions joints ex. knee
Ligaments-connect bones to bones ex. Acl Tendons-connect muscle to bones ex. Achilles
Cranium Clavicle Humerus Phalanges Femur Phalanges
Muscular System Notes Muscular System-group of tough tissue that makes your body parts move The body is composed of over 600 muscles
3 Kinds of Muscle: A.Skeletal-work with bones of the skeletal system to allow movement (voluntary)
B.Smooth-in digestive system and blood vessels (involuntary) C.Cardiac-muscles of the heart (involuntary)
Experiment: Pupils Dilating-Involuntary Muscles
Deltoid Biceps Quadriceps
Deltoid Triceps Gluteus maximus Achilles tendon
Notebook Pages 1. Table of Contents 2. Bell Ringer: Journal 3. Body Image Notes 4. Body Image Notes (Side 2) 5. Journal Entry-Conflict Resolution 6. Health Inventory: Conflict Resolution 7. Study Guide Page1 8. Study Guide Page 2 9. Identify the Resolution 10.Safari Video Quiz 11. Bell Ringer-Body Systems 12. Body System Notes 13. Labeling Bones 14. Safari Montage Quiz-Bill Nye 15. Labeling Muscles 16. Labeling Muscles (Side 2) 17. Crossword Puzzle-Body Systems