Ch.22; sect.2; STD: 4.6
A new wave of government initiatives starting in 1935 resulted in some strong successes and stunning defeats for President Roosevelt.
Second New Deal Congress passed laws extending government oversight of the banking industry Raised taxes for the wealthy Funded new relief programs for the still- struggling population
EMERGENCY RELIEF Works Progress Administration Employed 8.5 million Americans Americans had to work for their relief money WPA workers built roads, subways, airports, and zoos Some were artists, worked in schools, offices, and museums “earn a paycheck and not a handout SOCIAL SECURITY A pension, or guaranteed, regular payments, for many people 65 and older. A system of unemployment insurance for people who lost their jobs.
National Labor Relations Act Outlawed a number of antilabor practices ▪ Ex.creation of company-sponsored unions National Labor Relations Board Gave workers the right to form unions and bargain collectively Conduct voting in workplaces to determine whether employees wanted union representation
AFL American Federation of labor A collection of smaller unions representing skilled workers, organized within specific crafts CIO Committee for Industrial Organization Made up largely of unskilled workers organized across industries, such as the automobile industry
The advantage of a sit-down strike over a traditional strike Management could not bring in security forces to scatter picketers Could not use traditional strike breaking techniques Big win for the CIO Union membership rose
Roosevelt vs. Alf Landon Roosevelt won all but two states Democrats gained both houses of Congress Won 26 of 33 races for governor African Americans supported Roosevelt and the Democratic Party ▪ Were Republicans ever since Lincoln New Deal Programs provided to help the economy and fight unemployment
The court-packing plan Attempt to reorganize the courts was controversial Loss Democratic support Farm Tenancy Act Gave tenants and sharecroppers a chance to buy land Some of the nations poorest ppl