03/30/06 DEJBNL&FNAL PD Collaboration kickoff meeting Beams-doc Current layout of beams from PD ~ 700m Active Length 8 GeV Linac 8 GeV neutrino Main MW Anti- Proton SY-120 Fixed- Target Neutrino “Super- Beams” NUMI Off- Axis Electrons for ILC Damping Ring Demo Homestake Henderson
03/30/06 DEJBNL&FNAL PD Collaboration kickoff meeting Beams-doc Current Status of PD H- Transport and Injection The basis of the current transport line and injection scheme started with the design concepts and transport/ collimation/ injection issues discussed in the 2004 H- Beam Transport Workshop at FNAL ! –Control of stripping losses in transport line (coll., bb, lorentz) –Uncontrolled losses during injection –Foil issues (material, thickness, support, efficiency, etc) Started addressing some of the Recommendations of the PD Directors Review last April –Re-examine the injection region layout, incorporating information on existing magnet dimensions, both interior and exterior, and verify a feasible design. –Evaluate collimation inefficiency and estimate the fractional “foil misses” that result. –Design the injection region and injection dump transport line to accommodate beam particles that miss the foil –Do a preliminary design and cost estimate for a beam tube liner –Conduct a one-day mini-review of the transfer line and MI injection. –Revisit the injection dump power handling capability… –Further optimize Linac pulse length (cost and performance)
03/30/06 DEJBNL&FNAL PD Collaboration kickoff meeting Beams-doc Current Status of PD H- Transport Transport line –Focus on creating a sound optical design that minimizes civil construction conflicts – very close to end foot-print –Basic layout remains a 60 degree FODO lattice with two bend sections and matching section to the Linac and Ring. –Arcs are now achromatic: Field in arc dipoles 550G -> (fractional loss/m ~7.5E-9 -> at 1.54E14/1.5s -> 7.5E5 /m/s –Each Arc contains 30 dipoles Re-use old MR B2 dipoles (2”x4”aperture) 57 run DC on a single bus (air cooled) first first three ramp to select beam MI/dump –Entire line contains 51 quads (new 1.3 m, 3” (?) pole tip) 18 on QF and 19 on QD buss at +/ kG/m 3 + last linac quad individual max gradient 13 kG/m (current linac quad at ~31 kG/m 11 individual quads to match from arc and 6 (8) to match into MI ( RR) –At max =75m 3 ~4.2 mm max Dispersion 6m -> 6 mm offset for dp/p of.001
03/30/06 DEJBNL&FNAL PD Collaboration kickoff meeting Beams-doc Transport line (continued) –The basic betatron and momentum collimation scheme has been retained (~similar to SNS) 3 foil/ in-line absorber combinations in each plane for betatron collimation Configuration: Foil in front of quad strips halo– absorber next half cell intercepts halo – (foil) 75m (absorber) 30m –~5 mm separation at absorber (need additional tracking verification) Provision for two momentum collimation stations – (foil) 75m (absorber) 50m –~3-4mm separation at absorber (need additional tracking verification) Current thought to use only 1 momentum collimation station Need simulation which includes stripping and tracking both species of particles Current Status of PD H- Transport
03/30/06 DEJBNL&FNAL PD Collaboration kickoff meeting Beams-doc ’tron momentum MI match 8 Gev H- Transport to Main Injector De-buncher
03/30/06 DEJBNL&FNAL PD Collaboration kickoff meeting Beams-doc Beam Collimation Results generated by A.Drozhdin for previous beam line version Dec Dump 8 Dump 7 Dump 6 Dump 5 Dump 4 Dump 3 Dump2 Dump 1 Left side figures: 3-sigma core of the beam (green) and beam without collimation (red). Right side figures: beam population after collimation at every 60 degree (red) and intercepted halo at the beam dumps (green).
03/30/06 DEJBNL&FNAL PD Collaboration kickoff meeting Beams-doc MI H- Injection –Main Injector lattice for H- injection was re-designed Converted FODO lattice (15 m space between quads) to symmetric straight with a 32 m space between doublets to be used for injection –Requires six new power supplies for local matching and adding trim coil circuits to IQC and IQD quads globally Removed quad from injection straight (increase aperture, decouple inj. from tune quad bus) Utilize wide aperture DC dipole for merging H- with protons (part of the chicane) Utilize strong 1.2T short dipole after foil to strip excited states of H0 up to n=-2 and strip any H- miss Place foil in rising field gradient of third magnet Last chicane magnet place the injected protons on closed orbit and (with secondary foil) send H0->H+ to injection dump Use horizontal painting (in MI) and vertical injection angle to produce “uncorrelated” beam distribution (A. Drozhdin) Injection straight solid design – intend further optimization
03/30/06 DEJBNL&FNAL PD Collaboration kickoff meeting Beams-doc H-H- H+H+ H 0, H - start end closed orbit (DC bumps) foil inj absorber 1.2T 558G Painting trims Current MI10 MI10 for PD H - injection 32 m H- MI-10 Configuration for 8 Gev H- Injection Generated toy MI lattice (without sextupoles or errors) to match existing MI lattice Beta functions tunable in range of m (both planes) used existingMI quads Transfer PD optics to real MI lattice Foil in front on 1.2T field
03/30/06 DEJBNL&FNAL PD Collaboration kickoff meeting Beams-doc Painting scheme 160 mm 110 mm MI CL 0 mm DC Bump 110 mm Start Paint 160 mm End Paint mm 16.7 mm 30.3 mm 13.6 mm 3.03 mm 12.8 mm 36.4 mm Position of beam at start of painting (green), end of painting (red), and circulating beam (magenta). The optimum waveform: JHF Accelerator design study report. KEK Implemented by A. Drozhdin x = 40m x = 0 y = 20m y = 0
03/30/06 DEJBNL&FNAL PD Collaboration kickoff meeting Beams-doc First Results for 270 turn Injection Program STRUCT results (A. Drozhdin, et. al) First result (preliminary) for 270 inj. tracking with new insert Turn Left x-x’ / Right y-y’ X 10mm/div Y 5 mm/div 270,000 particles Track 27,000 particles Lost 56 particles (7E-6 watts) -> 26kW in 3km Foil hits/particle ~25 Need to double check parameters Clearly Needs Optimization
03/30/06 DEJBNL&FNAL PD Collaboration kickoff meeting Beams-doc Lifetime of Stark states of H0 Data for lifetime of Stark states of 8 Gev H0 as a function of magnetic field corresponding to its rest frame electric field see by the atom. Calculations were done by W.Chou, Alexandr Drozhdin and presented at the 2004 Workshop Path length for 1E-11 sec is approx 3 mm in lab frame For 2” fringe field -> 23.6T/m gradient -> ~7 r Field seen by H0* H- missed foil
03/30/06 DEJBNL&FNAL PD Collaboration kickoff meeting Beams-doc Lorentz Stripping Using expression from L.Scherk for rest frame lifetime of H- in applied magnetic field. Calculate lab frame lifetime ( ) and stripping length ( c ) at fields in Chicane Fields encountered after foil the stripping length is on the order of mm or less and the lifetime (lab frame) on the order of E-11. Calculations Extrapolated from data 200 and 800 Mev.44 s
03/30/06 DEJBNL&FNAL PD Collaboration kickoff meeting Beams-doc Outstanding Issues Linac dump transport line (straight forward …) –Must not preclude accumulator for muon production Beam absorbers used for injection, betatron coll., momentum coll., linac dump, and MI need to be designed. -> design started AD Phys Longitudinal Dynamics –Energy/phase jitter, excitation errors – specs & simulation –Injection modeling with 325 Mhz micro bunch struct, impedances, instabilities, longitudinal painting (initial model done P. Yoon) –Energy spreader, de-buncher (requirements / location / design) Optimization of Injection layout Understand foil heating issues Foil design, support, material, thickness For multiple foils, optimize foil separation and thickness –Minimization of foil hits by circulating protons –Utilize ORBIT/STRUCT/other to investigate optimizing of beam size on target and painting schemes Magnetic Design of transport and injection components (TD/AD) –Transport dipoles (existing), trim (MI design), Transport quads –preliminary design (Harding) –Separation dipoles for dump line (new design – preliminary (Harding) ) –Chicane dipoles (new design) –Injection kicker magnets
03/30/06 DEJBNL&FNAL PD Collaboration kickoff meeting Beams-doc End to End simulation –ASTRA/TRACK->ORBIT/STRUCT OTHER(?) –Multi-species tracking –Design parameters and with all errors Instrumentation Design –BPM, BLM, BCM (FNAL AD instrumentation) –Profile monitors (8 Gev) (laser wire/ multiwire, other?) Magnetic Field stripping at 8 GeV –measured up to 800 MeV extrapolated to 8 Gev Foil stripping efficiency –measured at 200 and 800 Mev scaled to 400 Mev and 8 Gev –600 mg/cm2 H0 projected yield at 0.5% Foil Heating Foil Lifetime Outstanding Issues II
03/30/06 DEJBNL&FNAL PD Collaboration kickoff meeting Beams-doc Potential Areas of BNL Participation in PD R&D Talking Points of initial FNAL/BNL meeting: –Provide an independent review of current conceptual transport and injection design –Collaborate in the Optimization of the Injection Layout including, but not limited to Understand foil heating issues Foil design, support, material, thickness For multiple foils, optimize foil separation and thickness Investigate and develop a plan for the utilization of AGS for H- stripping issues Design and fabricate laser profile monitor for use with H- at energies below about 100 MeV. Other …