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Presentation transcript:

Quickstart Distributor Training WELCOME TO HERBALIFE Quickstart Distributor Training

Develop your 5 stories/personal testimonial Product Results How long to get to supervisor How many supervisors in your 1st month How big is 1st R.O. How fast can you replace your present income with Herbalife Income

Three Parts to the Business Circle Marketing Plan YOU Product

Work the Hardest On You

Five Keys To The Business Consistency Simplification = Duplication Be Positive Customer Care Take Advantage of the Marketing Plan and Support System

Key #1 Consistency Use the products Wear the button Talk to People

2 Reasons to use the product #1 Business reason – Tell the truth, your story #2 Personal Reason – Good for you

We Don’t Eat Well 70% of all deaths are from: heart disease cancer stroke 50% of these deaths are diet related.

Doctors Say 70% of all doctor visits are nutritionally triggered problems… Fatigue, stress, digestive problems to Serious problems. The #1 complaint is fatigue.

What the Body Needs What the body needs daily according to the American Medical Association is: • protein • minerals • carbohydrates • fats and oils • vitamins • herbs Nutritional deficiencies – Takes 2500 – 4000 Calories a day to get a balance of these Why do we have to eat so much? How our Food is grown – soil problems/chemicals, pesticides Our food choices aren’t often great Most overeat = weight problem = health problems Eat too few calories = bad nutrition = health problems Absorption – villi issue Nutritional Deficiencies – Takes 2500 – 4000 calories/day to get a balance of these.

The American Diet American Diet Herbalife High Sugar Fat Salt Calories Low Low Protein Fiber High

Our Food Choices Aren’t Often Great Most overeat = weight problem = health problem Eat too few calories = bad nutrition = health problem

Absorption – Villi Issue

Obesity 65% of the population is overweight. 15% of children between the ages of 6 and 19 are overweight. 10% of children between the ages of 2 and 5 are seriously overweight.

Herbalife Solution Healthy Meal Replacements 300 to 400 calories with meal replacements and tablets = 3,000-4,000 equivalent nutrition Greater absorption with Herbalife

To Lose Weight: Tablets 3 times a day. 2 healthy shakes a day. 1 healthy meal a day. *Add protein snacks as needed

To Maintain Weight: Tablets 3 times a day. 1 healthy shake a day. 2 healthy meals a day. *Add protein snacks as needed

To Gain Weight: Tablets 3 times a day. 3 healthy shakes a day. 3 healthy meals a day. (Eat before drinking your shake so that you don’t fill up too fast.)

Eating habits change naturally – encourage it Become a product of the product! Use all the products – skin care, targeted products

The Power of Testimony Your own health is your best advertisement. Tell your story to others you know. Expand your Circle of Influence.

Wear the button Are you Serious about losing weight/better health/earn $ How much weight/$ or how fast? What have you tried before? How did it work? Why do you want to make a change now?

Talk to People - Invitations Example: 5/day can lead to 1 yes = $1500 Month retail 10/day can lead to 2 yes = $3,000 Month retail We are the messenger…the product and the opportunity are the message

Key #2 Simplification = Duplication KEEP EVERYTHING SIMPLE

PRESENTATIONS Your Story Other People’s Stories The Herbalife Story Other People’s – Ideally your clients and distributors Borrow Stories – Use the tools DVDs The Internet 3 way calls Journals/brochures Flyers Before and after pictures HBN HOMs/Live Meetings

Facts Your Story Other People’s Stories The Herbalife Story Over 100 million people have successfully used the product 32 years in business, here to stay In 84 countries and expanding Billions in sales – 5.4 Billion 2011; a $1 Billion growth in 1 year Positioned for rapid growth

Easy as 3, 2, 1 Find out what people need Explain the programs Which program? What flavor? How would you like to pay…Cash, Check or Credit Card

Questions and Objections 90% Opinion 10% Facts How to respond: “I don’t know about that. All I know is ____________”

The Point of Reference Reference Points are used to answer these questions: Are the products safe? Who can use the products? How to use the products?

General Laws About Food The laws that govern food are: Mega-dosing – We are prohibited from putting too much of any one ingredient in a product. Labeling laws – If a person has a condition that would prevent them from using the product, this must be indicated on the label.

Income Presentation Same Actions as retail – Invite and Present “Do you know anyone who can use an extra $500 - $1500/month – part time?”

How to Invite Who do you know? Meet? Referrals/reorders – upgrade The buttons Direct approaches – live/phone Surveys House Parties

Flyers Ad – Newspapers, mailings, internet Sampling TV Radio Internet

NEXT STEP Set a time to meet – HOM/ 1 on 1/ group call Watch DVD presentation Internet presentation Who Can Do That? ANYONE

Key #3 Be Positve! Talk to 10 people = 2 yes Problem: 8 say no. Don’t take the No’s personally! No’s mean they are curious and not serious

Of the 8 No’s, some will even have negative opinions WHY? Protecting their egos Excuses – all are equal They may be a competitor Don’t burn a bridge – give a flyer Wipe off the negative energy – you know the facts.

How to Order Product Internet Calling in order

Key # 4 Customer Care Use for both Customers and Distributors DAY 1: How did they take the products – no “yes” questions. DAY 3: Get inches/weight? Some blame all their problems on Herbalife – remind of our millions of successes. Believe it or not…some people don’t get started. Call day 1 to see.

Customer Care Continues DAY 7: Inches/weight? Clients are use to the program – becoming a habit Day 15: Inches/weight? Ask – Who Noticed? 20-30 clients can double with referrals Day 25: Reorders/referrals/IBP: Which IBP – Mini – Costs less and they start building volume immediately Nutritional – Make sure to get them on the product!

Getting referrals $/credits/products/customer parties, wellness evaluations, sampling, weight loss challenges

Build Your Story Tell your story with passion and enthusiasm Take advantage of being new to your business. Use your product to get the best possible story – Build your 1st week story and your first month story. Build a strong money story so you can share your 1st week story, 1st month, 1st year story. How long to get to supervisor. How long to sell your first order.

Key #5: Take Advantage of the MARKETING PLAN and SUPPORT SYSTEM

SIMPLE MARKETING PLAN Use the Products Build a Customer Base Build a Distributor Team

Planning Sheet My first 10 customers will be: ______________ ________________ Get Your Website Set Up with Herbalife

Success Builder 1,000 VP order US English_STS 4/24/2017 How We Make Money 2 x $50 =$100.00 = $3,000 a month = $36,000 a year Average Sale $100.00 Retail WholeSale Royalty Override Bonuses Qualified Producer 42% Success Builder 1,000 VP order Senior Consultant 35% 2 x $25 =$50.00 = $1,500 a month = $18,000 a year 51222US_STS TrainTrainer_p7.ppt

How We Make Money Total $1500 Retail WholeSale Bill ($10,000) US English_STS 4/24/2017 How We Make Money Retail WholeSale Royalty Override Bonuses Bill ($10,000) $500 Leon ($10,000) $500 Kelly ($10,000) $500 Total $1500 51222US_STS TrainTrainer_p7.ppt

Goal What do you want from Heraife Opportunity Consumer of the products at a discount An extra $500 - $1,000 a month Career level income Financial Independence

Reasons to become Supervisor Maximize Time and Effort 50% discount Wholesale Profit Royalties next month vs in 75 days Bonuses Promotions Active World Team How to get to World Team

How to Qualify Retail Recruit Purchase Inventory MOST DO A COMBINATION OF ALL 3 Buddy Plan

Where Will You Start Good – Senior Consultant Better – Success Builder Best - Supervisor

Attend Higher Level Trainings Local HOM/Quickstart Trainings Success Training Seminars Conference Call Trainings Corporate meetings/events LIFE CHANGING!!!

Plug Into the Support System Online Training Training DVDs and audios HBN

Make Learning Become a Habit Weekly Supplement Keep up with current information Access to recorded training calls Current promotions Make Learning Become a Habit

Mark Hughes’ Philosopy Care more about your customer’s results than your profits on them = a fortune. Care more about your distributor’s success than your profits on them = a fortune!

Set your goals Develop a plan Be consistent Do your best HAVE FUN!!


It’s all about the products! US English_STS 4/24/2017 It’s the Products It’s all about the products! 51222US_STS TrainTrainer_p7.ppt

The Perfect Meal! The Formula 1 is what we call the PERFECT MEAL. US English_STS 4/24/2017 The Perfect Meal! The Formula 1 is what we call the PERFECT MEAL. It is low in salt, fat, and calories and has the right proteins, dietary fiber, unsaturated fats along with vitamins, minerals and herbs that helps to keep your skin tight while your losing weight. The Formula 1 adds nutrition to your program and takes all of the guesswork out of what to eat. 51222US_STS TrainTrainer_p7.ppt

Cellular Nutrition and the Power of Protein US English_STS 4/24/2017 Cellular Nutrition and the Power of Protein Cellular Nutrition helps ensure the nutrients your body needs daily are absorbed and delivered throughout your body at the cellular level. The Power of Protein means your customers can manage their weight by: Controlling their hunger, and by Maintaining their lean body mass 51222US_STS TrainTrainer_p7.ppt

4 Main Product Categories US English_STS 4 Main Product Categories 4/24/2017 Personalized Weight Management Targeted Nutrition Sports Nutrition Outer Nutrition 51222US_STS TrainTrainer_p7.ppt