ADEQUATE YEARLY PROGRESS (AYP) Elements School Improvement District Improvement 1
AYP ELEMENTS ALL students “proficient” by 2014 Separate annual proficiency goals in reading and math 1% can be proficient at district level using alternative performance standard Same Goal on ‘state uniform bar’ for nine groups All students Seven Racial/Ethnic Groups Students with Disabilities (Special Education) Students with Limited English Proficiency (ELL) Students from Low-Income Families (Poverty) 95% of students in each group to be assessed One other indicator Graduation rate (high schools): 85% (or two percentage point increase) Unexcused absences (Grades 1-8): 1% (or any decrease) 2
Based on Data 1.State Assessments 2. Graduation rate 3.Unexcused absences AYP Professional Development ( PD )School Improvement Plan ( SIP ) + Public School Choice ( PSC) PD + SIP + PSC + Supplemental Ed. Services ( SES ) PD + SIP + PSC + SES + Corrective Action SIP + PSC + SES + Corrective Action + Plan Restructuring Restructured School Operation Year 1Year 2 AYP Step 1 Year 3 Step 2 Year 4 Step 3 Year 5 Step 4 Year 6 Step 5 Year 7 AYP Identified for School Improvement SCHOOLS IN STEPS 1-5 Consequences Apply only to schools that receive Title I A Funds Sanctions District responsibility SBAC Field Testers Based on Same Data 4
Consequences Apply only to districts that receive Title I A Funds District Improvement — STEPS 1& 2 Based on Data 1.State Assessments 2. Graduation rate 3.Unexcused absences AYP Professional Development ( PD ) + District Improvement Plan + Parent Notification + Set Asides + Tech Support PD + Corrective Action Plan + Parent Notification + Set Asides Year 1Year 2 AYP Step 1 Year 3 Identified for District Improvement Step 2 Year 4 AYP Set Aside Title I, Part A Funds Districts that receive Title I, Part A funds and are in a step of improvement — AYP step 1 or 2 — must set aside money from their total allocation for professional development. 5