Building Capacity to Support High Quality Instruction Ryan Saxe, Title I Coordinator Office of Federal Programs
Well-designed curriculum, assessments and instructional materials aligned to standards High-quality instructional practice Strong school leadership -Tony Wagner, Change Leadership Group – Harvard Graduate School of Education 12/6/2012
ESEA Flexibility Principle 1 College and Career Ready Expectations for All Students Principle 2 State-Developed Differentiated Recognition, Accountability, and Support Principle 3 Supporting Effective Instruction and Leadership 12/6/2012
Principle 1: College- and Career- Ready Expectations for All Students Support Resources/Funding Sources 1.AAdopt college-and career-ready standards -Next Generation Standards PD Training -Common Core Resources PD Training -Employment of Academic -Software that assists in ongoing formative assessments and benchmarks 1.BTransition to college- and career- ready standards 1.CDevelop and administer annual, statewide, aligned, high-quality assessments that measure student growth
Principle 2: State-Developed Differentiated Recognition, Accountability, and Support Support Resources/Funding Sources 2.ADevelop and implement a State-based system of differentiated recognition, accountability, and support -SPL -Next Generation Standards PD Training -Common Core Resources PD Training -TLI -Extended Day/Year Activities -Transition Activities -Parent Involvement -PLC(s)/Collaborative Teams -Students Setting Academic Goals 2.BSet ambitious but achievable annual measurable objectives 2.CReward schools 2.DPriority schools – Low Performing based on index 2.EFocus schools – Low performing based on largest gaps 2.FProvide incentives and supports for other Title I schools – Schools that still need support 2.GBuild SEA, LEA, and school capacity to improve student learning -Parent Involvement -Academic Coach -Administrative Coach Principle 3: Supporting Effective Instruction and Leadership Support Resources/Funding Sources 3.ADevelop and adopt guidelines for local teacher and principal evaluation and support systems -Instructional Coaches -Improvement Specialist 3.BEnsure LEAs implement teacher and principal evaluation and support systems 12/6/2012
Participation Rates Attendance/ Graduation Rates Annual Measurable Objectives (Proficiency Rates) 12/6/2012
100% Effective Schools 12/6/2012
Differentiated Recognition, Accountability & Support All Schools 2G Priority lowest achieving 2D Focus Largest Gaps 2E Other Title I Schools 2F Reward Schools: 2C
KEY IMPLICATIONS Shift from large number of schools annually NOT making AYP to reduced number with ongoing targeted support Redirecting federal funding to support school improvement Stronger focus on LEAs responsibility for school improvement Shift from “compliance-driven” to “outcome focused technical assistance” 12/6/2012
2.C Reward Schools – Meaningful recognition and rewards Both High Achieving and High Progress Proposed recognition: – Public recognition – Special professional development opportunities – Representation on state-level stakeholder committees Reward Schools
2.D Priority Schools – Required to Identify a minimum of 18 Low Performing schools: ESEA funding flexibility 3 year school improvement process Research based state models (high quality standards, diagnostics, leadership team support) Priority lowest achieving Federal Programs Resources and Suggestions: SPL Implementation/Training Next Generation Standards PD Training Common Core Resources PD Training TLI Extended Day Activities – Title I Transition Activities Parent Involvement – Title I PLC/s/Collaborative Teams – Title I, Title II Academic Coaches – Title I Administrative Coaches - Title I Parent Involvement – Title I
2.E Focus Schools – Required to Identify a minimum of 36 High GAP (struggling subgroups) schools: School self-assessment/diagnostic Revise strategic plan ESEA funding flexibility RESA TA teams focused on addressing GAPs Focus Largest Gaps Federal Programs Resources and Suggestions: SPL Implementation/Training Next Generation Standards PD Training Common Core Resources PD Training TLI Extended Day Activities – Title I Transition Activities – Title I Parent Involvement – Title I PLC/s/Collaborative Teams – Title I, Title II Strategic Plan Revision Title I Technical Assistance
2.F Other Struggling Title I Schools No requirement to identify specific number: Alignment of School/District Strategic Plans & funding resources to address low-performance Availability of technical assistance from SEA, Regional and LEA levels Other Title I Schools Federal Programs Resources and Suggestions: SPL Implementation/Training Next Generation Standards PD Training Common Core Resources PD Training TLI Extended Day Activities – Title I Transition Activities – Title I Parent Involvement – Title I PLC/s/Collaborative Teams – Title I, Title II Strategic Plan Revision Title I Technical Assistance
2.G Build SEA, LEA & School Capacity to Improve Student Learning in ALL schools Coordinated approach to Principles 1, 2, 3 Systemic capacity building ALL Schools Federal Programs Resources and Suggestions: Extended Day Activities – Title I Parent Involvement – Title I Strategic Plan Revision SEA Technical Assistance Academic Coach – Title I Administrative Coach- Title I
12/6/2012 Student Achievement Principle 2 Improve Teacher Quality Principle 3 School Based Leadership Principle 2 College & Career Ready Standards Principle 1 Increase Parent & Community Involvement Principle 2 Support for Personalized Learning Expected Behaviors Please note: This is not an official WVDE representation of the Flexibility Waiver.
Thank You Questions? Ryan Saxe, Title I Coordinator Office of Federal Programs 12/6/2012