Welcome Back! SJSD ELA PD - August 14, 2014
New Teachers & Department Chairs
Thanks for sharing! ELA Teachers as Writers
Curriculum Revisions SJSD Curriculum
Assessment Calendar SJSD Assessment
Not your grandma’s multiple choice!
Our Process
Go to the SJSD homepage Click on the Academics tab Open Communication Arts On the left side, open Professional Development Click on 2014 – 2015 Click on the link for SBAC Training TestsSBAC Training Tests
Scroll down and click on the Practice Test box Click that you’re NOT a California student and then click Sign In Select your grade and then click Yes
Please select either the ELA Grades 6-8 Training Test OR the ELA HS Training Test
Click Select on the Settings page Click Yes, Start My Test
You MUST click the sound icon before answering yes! You are now ready to begin your Training Test
AFTER you’ve answered all 6 training questions, you need to End the Test Then be sure to click NO, so you can respond to the analysis questions
Use the toggle buttons at the top to go back to question 1 and individually respond to the following questions on the chart: What do students need to be able to do to respond to this item? What struggles do you think your students will experience with this item? How will these struggles influence your instruction?
your chart responses with your table. Think – Pair - Share
Falling in Love with Reading Again
Common Core Reading Strategies
LUNCH! 11:00 – 12:00
Vicky Bryan Using TED Talks
day_for_the_bullied_and_beautiful To This Day…for the bullied and the beautiful
Work time for your grade level group Writing TED Talks into Unit 1 Lessons
TED Talk Plans will be turned in to department chairs
November 10, 2014 at TMC Next ELA PD