How we got web design:
Where it all began October 4 th 1957 Sputnik is launched by the USSR
History of the Internet DOD (Department of Defense) ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) advance science and technology for military applications Started looking into ways of controlling weaponry in the event of nuclear attack.
ARPANET is born ARPA sets up ARPANET Now UCSB, UCLA, SRI (Stanford) and University of Utah are hooked together. (4 hosts) ARPANET – cables laid & protocols developed “rules” - Protocols (standards of communication)
and domains 1972 – is created by BBN (the contractor who set up ARPANET for ARPA) (23 hosts now connected) 1983 – DNS (domain name system) created by U of Wisconsin, –domain names created. –(562 hosts now connected)
HTML & WWW 1990 – Tim Berners-Lee (at CERN) begins HTML as a way of conveying information easily & quickly. HYPERTEXT MARKUP LANGUAGE (313,000 hosts connected) 1992 –World Wide Web launched by CERN (1,136,000 hosts connected) 1993–Mosaic, the first visual browser is launched (2,056,000 hosts connected)
The man behind the curtain 1994 – Ecommerce emerges Pizza hut begins taking orders over the web First Internet bank opens (3,864,000 hosts connected) 2005 – Today (over 4 billion)
Sources Browser Statistics rs_stats.asp rs_stats.asp History of the Internet New Perspectives on Creating Web Pages – Carey, 2005