Robinson Crusoe Written by Daniel Defoe Project by Logan Hinderliter.


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Presentation transcript:

Robinson Crusoe Written by Daniel Defoe Project by Logan Hinderliter

Robinson Crusoe Robinson is the youngest son of a family that lives in York England. His father wants him to become a lawyer but Robinson wants to go out onto the seas and explore the world. Robinson is the youngest son of a family that lives in York England. His father wants him to become a lawyer but Robinson wants to go out onto the seas and explore the world. Robinson ends up leaving his family to go sail to England with his friend. Robinson ends up leaving his family to go sail to England with his friend. Unfortunately en route to London their ship sinks they barely make it out alive. Unfortunately en route to London their ship sinks they barely make it out alive.

Robinson Crusoe While in England Crusoe joins up with a wealthy merchant ship. Unfortunately things don’t go well for him. While in England Crusoe joins up with a wealthy merchant ship. Unfortunately things don’t go well for him. The ship is seized by Moorish pirates, and Robinson is enslaved to a potentate in Northern Africa. The ship is seized by Moorish pirates, and Robinson is enslaved to a potentate in Northern Africa. Eventually Crusoe and a slave boy escape while on a fishing expedition and are picked up by a Portuguese ship. Eventually Crusoe and a slave boy escape while on a fishing expedition and are picked up by a Portuguese ship.

Robinson Crusoe The Portuguese ship then takes them to Brazil where Crusoe decides to start a plantation. The Portuguese ship then takes them to Brazil where Crusoe decides to start a plantation. His plantation is successful and he soon decides to go to Africa to find slave Labor. His plantation is successful and he soon decides to go to Africa to find slave Labor. Once again Crusoe gets shipwrecked and ends up on Trinidad in Africa Once again Crusoe gets shipwrecked and ends up on Trinidad in Africa

Robinson Crusoe Crusoe over learns to live in these surroundings. Crusoe over learns to live in these surroundings. He uses what's left of the ship to build and gather food. He uses what's left of the ship to build and gather food. He even befriends a parrot and a goat while on the island. He even befriends a parrot and a goat while on the island. During this time he lives peacefully and as happy as you can on the island. During this time he lives peacefully and as happy as you can on the island.

Robinson Crusoe Later on Crusoe finds a footprint on the Island and decides that it must have been one of the cannibals that supposedly live in the area. Later on Crusoe finds a footprint on the Island and decides that it must have been one of the cannibals that supposedly live in the area. In fear of being eaten Crusoe builds a makeshift fortress and takes many precautions not to be discovered. In fear of being eaten Crusoe builds a makeshift fortress and takes many precautions not to be discovered. One night Crusoe hears guns shots and later finds that a ship has wrecked on the island and that the cannibals have taken prisoners. One night Crusoe hears guns shots and later finds that a ship has wrecked on the island and that the cannibals have taken prisoners.

Robinson Crusoe While watching the cannibals on the beach of half eaten people one captive escapes and runs towards Crusoe. While watching the cannibals on the beach of half eaten people one captive escapes and runs towards Crusoe. Robinson saves the man and kills most of the Cannibals except for one that surrenders and whom Robinson takes as a servant and names Friday. Robinson saves the man and kills most of the Cannibals except for one that surrenders and whom Robinson takes as a servant and names Friday.

Robinson Crusoe Eventually Robinson and Friday become good friends and they spend time exchanging stories of what and why their cultures do certain things. Eventually Robinson and Friday become good friends and they spend time exchanging stories of what and why their cultures do certain things. Friday informs Crusoe that there are other captives where the cannibals are stationed. Friday informs Crusoe that there are other captives where the cannibals are stationed. They decide to then go and try to rescue them from being eaten. They decide to then go and try to rescue them from being eaten.

Robinson Crusoe Just when they are about to leaved they see 21 cannibals ships arriving on the shore of their island. Just when they are about to leaved they see 21 cannibals ships arriving on the shore of their island. Robinson and Friday kill almost all of the natives which had 3 hostages with them in their canoes. Robinson and Friday kill almost all of the natives which had 3 hostages with them in their canoes. He befriends these men and they decide to live together on the island. He befriends these men and they decide to live together on the island.

Robinson Crusoe A ship soon arrives which Crusoe finds out soon enough that it has been mutinied and that the captain is being held a hostage. A ship soon arrives which Crusoe finds out soon enough that it has been mutinied and that the captain is being held a hostage. So in an elaborate scheme Robinson goes on the ship and convinces them that the island is a territory and that the governor will spare their lives if the give up. So in an elaborate scheme Robinson goes on the ship and convinces them that the island is a territory and that the governor will spare their lives if the give up. When they do the ship is brought back to the island and Crusoe almost faints. When they do the ship is brought back to the island and Crusoe almost faints.

Robinson Crusoe Robinson makes it back to England where he finds out that his plantations in Brazil are doing swimmingly. Robinson makes it back to England where he finds out that his plantations in Brazil are doing swimmingly. So Crusoe decides to sell them and stay in England for the rest of his life. So Crusoe decides to sell them and stay in England for the rest of his life. He marries but his wife soon dies and he once again decides to become a trader on the high seas in the West Indies. He marries but his wife soon dies and he once again decides to become a trader on the high seas in the West Indies.