Gluconeogenesis Title - making glucose
Gluconeogenesis Glucose Glucogenic amino acids Lactate, pyruvate Glycerols (from triglycerides) Glucose All these precursors can be converted to glucose. Propionate (ruminants) Krebs cycle intermediates
Roles of Gluconeogenesis Provides glucose for the brain Recycles lactate after exercise Lactose synthesis in ruminants Carbohydrate polymers in plants and bacteria From CO2, acetate, fats, etc… Roles of gluconeogenesis.
Review of Glycolysis Review glycolysis
Review of Glycolysis More review glycolysis
Bypasses of “Irreversible” Glycolysis Steps
Bypasses of “Irreversible” Glycolysis Steps
Bypasses of “Irreversible” Glycolysis Steps
Cori Cycle: Lactate Salvage
Glucose-Alanine Cycle Alanine-glucose cycle
Gluconeogenesis from Stored Fats In plants Plants reactions Need glyoxylate cycle Animals can not make glucose from fat.
Gluconeogenesis from Stored Fats In animals Animal reactions
Gluconeogenesis from Propionate In ruminants Ruminants
Fate of Pyruvate: Regulation
Gluconeogenesis and Glycolysis Reciprocal regulation Must be separately regulated to prevent futile cycle.
Reciprocal Regulation of PFK-1 and FBPase-1 Both enzymes allosterically regulated by Fru-2,6-bisP PFK-1 & FBPase-1
Regulation by Fru-2,6-bisP
Regulation by Fru-2,6-bisP
Fru-2,6-bisP as Regulator F2,6BP
What Regulates [Fru-2,6-bisP]? Indirectly regulated by the hormone glucagon Regulation of regulator
PFK-2 and FBPase-1: Same Protein! Two activities on same protein.