Green High School Guidance
Students must be admitted by the university they plan to take classes at Each college sets their own criteria The most popular schools are Akron, Kent State Stark, and Stark State Average admittance scores/GPA ◦ Akron University: 24 and a 3.5 GPA ◦ Stark State: 22 and 3.0 GPA ◦ Kent State Stark: 23 and 3.4 GPA ◦ Above has been the criteria and could change
1 hour of college credit =.20 high school credit (.20 Carnegie unit) 5 hours of college credit = 1 high school credit (1 Carnegie unit) Please remember that a lot of graduation requirements at Green are 1 high school credit. Taking 1 college class does not equal 1 high school credit. A good example is College Composition.
Tuition and books are provided to the students Student are responsible for application fees, orientation fees, and parking fees
Students who qualify for free and reduced lunch may be able to get reimbursed for transportation costs
Students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of all services offered by the college ◦ Writing labs ◦ Tutoring Services ◦ College Counseling ◦ Professor Office Hours ◦ Athletic Events and Wellness Centers
After students schedule classes with the college, they will bring their schedule to their counselor who can adjust their high school Students should decide before they schedule the number of classes they want to take at the college and pick classes that are offered at similar times You should keep in close communication with the counselor Students are responsible for providing Green High School with a copy of their college schedule
Students must pay for classes they fail Failed classes will affect their GPA at the college and at Green If you withdraw from a class past the deadline, you have to pay for the class and you may have to return to Green High School
Students should work closely with their counselor to make sure they are taking classes that will help them complete their graduation requirements for Green High School Students must maintain the equivalent of 5 credit hours at Green High School
Ask yourself if you are ready socially and academically to attend college classes Are you organized and have good time management It is a very different environment from high school
College and Green High School breaks and holidays are not the same Student is responsible for dealing with schedule conflicts Transportation must be reliable
The senior to sophomore program is changing. We will no longer refer to students enrolled in college classes at GHS as Seniors to Sophomores. All students enrolled in college classes – whether on campus or at Green High School – will be considered Post Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) students. Any college classes we are able to offer at Green High School will be placed on the course registration sheets that students will receive later this winter. Any student who intends to take college classes at GHS must apply and be accepted to Akron University or Stark State College of Technology as a PSEO student to enroll in these classes. More clarification about these changes will be addressed at the PSEO information sessions.