Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 Technical Assistance Webinar July 2008 Welcome: Big Four and Schools in Accountability (Group 1)
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 Welcome: Title I Director, Roberto Reyes
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 Title I, Parts A and D: Improving Academic Achievement for the Disadvantaged Casey Jakubowski Regional School Services
Big Four: ►Buffalo ►Rochester ►Syracuse ►Yonkers GROUP 1: Local Education Agencies (LEAs) with Title I schools that have been designated as - ►Schools in Need of Improvement (SINI) ►Corrective Action (CA) ►Planning for Restructuring ►Restructuring and LEAs that have been designated as – ►Title I LEAs in Improvement ►Districts in Need of Improvement (DINI) ►Title I Corrective Action and ►Title III not meeting Annual Measureable Achievement Objectives (AMAO)
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 Complete all required sections listed below in item 1: 1.Consolidated Application Update Required Sections for Big Four and Group 1. Please ( ) the required sections being submitted. Cover Page with Signed Assurances and Certifications – (pages 9-22) Consultation/Collaboration Documentation Form Title I, Part A, Services for Homeless Students, LEA Plan – item 2 (enrollment form) and item 3 Title I, Part A, item 11 – Coordination of Services Title I, Part A, LEA Plan – item 13 – Parent Involvement narrative response and copy of Title I LEA Parent Involvement Policy. Title I, Part A, LEA Plan - item 16 – Supplemental Educational Services (SES), if applicable Title I Parental Notification Requirements - items 5 and/or 6. Title I, Part A, Title I School Improvement, Title I Corrective Action, and Title I Restructuring Public School Choice Complaint Process Title I, LEA Improvement (DINI) and Title I LEA Corrective Action (if applicable) * Title II, Part A, narrative response to question #1 Title II, Part D, on line Technology Plan Checklist, and current Technology Plan website address Title III, Part A, Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students (New Applicants) All required documents must be completed. Title IV, Part A, Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities (item 7) and a waiver if appropriate. Complete typology table – page 72. * Title VI, Part B, Subpart 2, Rural Education Initiative, Rural and Low Income (if eligible)for new and revised applications Private School Participation Form(s) (if applicable) Title I, Part D, Participation of Facilities with Children Who are Neglected, Delinquent, or At-Risk of Dropping Out of School Form (if applicable) Budget narrative for each program applied for – original and two copies FS-10 budgets for each program applied for – original and two copies Title I Application Supplement Page 3
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of If significant changes have occurred since the approval of your Consolidated Application Update, submit only those items of the following narrative sections where revisions have been made. For example, under Title I, an LEA has a school which has been targeted assistance and planning to become schoolwide with a poverty percentage above 40 percent. Now that a schoolwide program will be implemented, the LEA would also need to complete Item 6 of the Title I LEA Plan. Additional examples of significant change include implementation of a new program model, practice or initiative that was not described in the original Consolidated Application, or the , , or Consolidated Application Updates. DO NOT SUBMIT the blank application sections if NO SIGNIFICANT CHANGES have occurred. Just check ( ) the box marked “No Change”. Check ( ) the box next to those sections with significant changes and submit information as specified in the application packet for each respective NCLB Title. CHANGENO CHANGE Scientifically-Based Research Title I, Part A, LEA Plan (items 1-10, 12, and 17) Title I LEA Plan for Homeless Students item 1 Title I, Parental Notification Requirements (items 1-4) Title I, Qualifications for Teachers and Paraprofessionals/Professional Development Title I, Parents’ Right to Know * Title II, Part A, Teacher and Principal Training and Recruiting Fund, Questions 2-11 * Title II, Part D, Enhancing Education Through Technology Title III, Part A, Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students * Title IV, Part A, Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities (item 7). Complete typology table – page 72. Title V, Part A, Innovative Programs (only if applying for any carryover funds remaining from ) * Title VI, Part B, Rural Education Achievement Program (REAP) Page 4
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 Transferability The Transferability Form will be submitted on line for since the information must be collected and submitted as part of a required report to the US Department of Education. Additionally, a hard copy of the Transferability Form must be submitted with the Budget Narrative for the title that will be using transferability so the amounts can be easily found in the FS-10 as it is reviewed. The amount to be transferred must be clearly shown. Ex., Title IIA budget code 15 Transferability Title I Reading teacher.10 FTE. $4000. Please check the box if Transferability will be used in BIG FOUR AND GROUP 1 LEAs MUST COMPLETE THE CHECKLIST ON PAGES 3-5. Please Note: Transferability may not be used by an LEA in Corrective Action Page 5
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 Assurances and Certifications for Federal Program Funds (Page 1 of Assurances and Certifications) The following assurances and certifications are a component of your application. By signing the certification on the application cover page you are ensuring accountability and compliance with applicable State and federal laws, regulations, and grants management requirements. Federal Assurances and Certifications, General: Assurances – Non-Construction Programs Certifications Regarding Lobbying; Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion – Lower Tier Covered Transactions Federal Assurances and Certifications, NCLB: The following are required as a condition for receiving any federal funds under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act of NCLB Assurances School Prayer Certification Page 11
Assurances and Certifications for Federal Program Funds (Final Page) during the year or the SED will be contacted to make necessary changes. Title V, Part A 46.The LEA has provided, in the allocation of funds for the assistance authorized by this part and in the planning, design, and implementation of such innovative assistance programs, for systematic consultation with parents of children attending elementary schools and secondary schools in the area served by the LEA, with teachers and administrative personnel in such schools, and with such other groups involved in the implementation of this part (such as librarians, school counselors, and other pupil services personnel) as may be considered appropriate by the LEA. 47.The LEA will comply with this Part, including the provisions of section 5142 concerning the participation of children enrolled in private nonprofit schools. 48.The LEA will keep such records, and provide such information to the SEA, as may be reasonably required for fiscal audit and program evaluation. 49.The LEA will annually evaluate the programs carried out under this Part, and that evaluation Will be used to make decisions about appropriate changes in programs for the subsequent year. Will describe how assistance under this part affected student academic achievement and will include, at a minimum, information and data on the use of funds, the types of services furnished, and the students served under this part. Will be submitted to the SEA at the time and in the manner requested by the SEA. Page The activities or programs to be funded comply with the principles of effectiveness described in section 4115(a) and foster a safe and drug-free learning environment that support academic achievement. 41.The applicant assures that funds under this subpart will be used to increase the level of State, local, and other non-Federal funds that would, in the absence of funds under this subpart, be made available for programs and activities authorized under this subpart, and in no case supplant such State, local, and other non-Federal funds. 42.Drug and violence prevention programs supported under this subpart convey a clear and consistent message that acts of violence and the illegal use of drugs are wrong and harmful. 43.The LEA has, or the schools to be served have, a plan for keeping schools safe and drug-free that includes: Appropriate and effective school discipline policies that prohibit disorderly conduct, the illegal possession of weapons, and the illegal use, possession, distribution, and sale of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs by students. Security procedures at school and while students are on the way to and from school. Prevention activities that are designed to create and maintain safe, disciplined, and drug-free environments. A crisis management plan for responding to violent or traumatic incidents on school grounds. A code of conduct policy for all students that clearly states the responsibilities of students, teachers, and administrators in maintaining a classroom environment that: Allows a teacher to communicate effectively with all students in the class. Allows all students in the class to learn. Has consequences that are fair, and developmentally appropriate. Considers the student and the circumstances of the situation. Is enforced accordingly. 44.The application and any waiver request under section 4115(a)(3) (to allow innovative activities or programs that demonstrate substantial likelihood of success) will be available for public review after submission of the application. 45.The applicant assures that the programs identified in the typology table will be provided
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 Pages : Assurances Pages must be submitted with the application. Failure to provide these assurances will delay application and budget approval.
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
Page 26: Consultation/Collaboration Complete and submit all of the required signatures. Title I-A must include parent signatures of Title I students. Document all consultations/collaborations (e.g. meeting notices, sign-in sheets, agendas) as well as attempted contacts (e.g. fax, certified letter, ).
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 Scientifically-Based Research Group 1 and Big Four: Only submit this page if significant changes in program(s) have occurred. Group 2 LEAs in Good Standing: Only submit this page if significant changes in program(s) have occurred. The requirement to use Scientifically-Based Research in the development of programs and activities is woven throughout “No Child Left Behind.” It requires LEAs to use proven programs, practices and methods after assessing scientific research. Title IX defines Scientifically-Based Research as follows: “This means research that involves the application of rigorous, systematic, and objective procedures to obtain reliable and valid knowledge relevant to education activities and programs.” For Title III A, this must include a description of scientifically-based research for high Quality Instructional Programs and High Quality Professional Development. Use additional pages as necessary. (See This page should reflect program changes made as a result of school improvement. Priority Needs Identified During Evaluation and Assessment Process Provide program name and a brief description of how the selected programs, instructional strategies, practices, and effective methods, are based on Scientifically-Based Research designed to meet identified needs.Check to indicate the funding for each activity Title ITitle II ATitle III ATitle IVTitle V 1REAP Page: 27
Title I LEA Plan for Homeless Students -- Items 2 and 3 (to be completed by Big Four, Group 1 and Group 2 LEAs) Only submit Item 1 if significant changes in program(s) have occurred. *Note: If the LEA has non-Title I schools, a reserve must be included in the Title I FS-10 for services for homeless children who attend non-Title I Schools. Even if no homeless children or unaccompanied youth are currently identified, a reserve should be included for homeless children who may enroll during the school year. 1. Describe the services the LEA will provide homeless children and unaccompanied youth, including services provided with funds reserved under section 1113(c)(3)(A) of Title I. These services should include the mandated duties of the homeless liaisons, which can be found in the U.S. Department of Education Guidance at the website The funds reserved for homeless children and unaccompanied youth should be used to provide services to homeless children and unaccompanied youth who are attending non-Title I Schools, including providing educationally related support services to children and unaccompanied youth in shelters and other locations where homeless children and unaccompanied youth may live, as required under section 1113(c)(3)(A). 2.The LEA must include a copy of their enrollment form which asks the living arrangements of the child or unaccompanied youth, including asking if they are living in motels, hotels, trailer parks or camping grounds due to the lack of alternative accommodations; with relatives or others due to loss of housing, economic hardship or a similar reason; shelters; cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations or similar settings; are abandoned in hospitals or are awaiting foster care placement; or have a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings. This includes migratory children living in circumstances described above. A sample enrollment form may be found at the website: A copy of the LEA’s enrollment form must also be kept on file. 3.If an LEA states that there are no homeless children or unaccompanied youth, the LEA must describe the efforts being made to identify homeless children and unaccompanied youth, and must: Submit documentation of the LEA’s efforts to identify homeless children and unaccompanied youth by contacting the local Department of Social Services (DSS) or OCFS to verify that there are no homeless children or unaccompanied youth in the LEA. Documentation of the LEA’s efforts to identify homeless children and unaccompanied youth must be maintained on file and available for inspection upon request. Contact information for local Departments of Social Services may be found at the website: Page 29
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 Page 29-30: Title I LEA Plan for Homeless Students Item 1: answer only if there has been a major change in the types of services provided to homeless students. Item 2: all Group 1 and 2 LEAs and Big Four must submit a copy of the LEA enrollment form (sometimes identified as the Student Residency Questionnaire). Item 3: answer only if no homeless students were served in If homeless students were served make a statement to that effect.
NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND ACT OF 2001 LOCAL EDUCATIONAL AGENCY (LEA) PROGRAM NARRATIVE YEAR The Consolidated Application requires all Local Educational Agencies/Charter School LEAs (LEAs) receiving federal funds under “No Child Left Behind,” Titles I, Part A and D, II, Part A and D, Title III, Part A, IV, Part A, V, Part A, and VI, Part B REAP (if applicable) to provide a narrative plan for approval by the State Education Department. The plan must demonstrate how funds are being used and coordinated to support improved teaching and learning to enable students to meet State student academic achievement standards. For the school year, Group 1 and Big Four must submit item # 11 - Coordination of Services, item #13 – Parent Involvement and item # 16 - Supplemental Educational Services, if applicable, and any other items with significant program changes made following a review of the prior year’s programs, Consolidated Application Update, student data, input from consultation meetings, program evaluations and changes in improvement plans that have resulted in new school improvement initiatives. For the school year, Group 2 must submit item # 11 - Coordination of Services, item 13 – Parent Involvement and any other items with significant program changes following a review of the prior year’s programs Consolidated Application Update, student data, input from consultation meetings, and program evaluations. Ex., an LEA has a school which has been targeted assistance and planning to become schoolwide with a poverty percentage above 40 percent. They will now implement a schoolwide program. Item 6 would need to be completed instead of Item 5. For new LEA applicants, including Charter School LEAs, all items must be responded to in a complete narrative. TITLE I – LEA Plan as Required by NCLB All LEAs/Charter School LEAs: submit Title I LEA Parent Involvement Policy with the narrative update. LEAs with both TAS and SWP buildings must answer both items 5 and 6. (Refer to NCLB sections 1115(c) and 1114(b) to ensure that all required components are addressed.) If the LEA Plan is not satisfactory to the parents of participating children, the LEA must submit any parent comments with such plan when the LEA submits the plan to the State Education Department. Provide a description of: 1.Any high-quality student academic assessments used by the LEA in addition to required State academic assessments that will be used to: Determine the success of students participating in Title I programs in meeting State student academic achievement standards and to provide information to teachers, parents and students on the progress being made toward meeting those standards; Assist in diagnosis, teaching and learning in the classroom in ways that best enable low-achieving children participating in Title I programs to meet State student academic achievement standards and do well in the local curricula; Determine what revisions are needed to projects under Title I, Part A so that such students meet State student academic achievement standards; and Effectively identify students who may be at risk for reading failure or who are having difficulty reading, through the use of screening, diagnostic, and classroom-based instructional reading assessments, as defined under section Page 31
NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND ACT OF 2001 LOCAL EDUCATIONAL AGENCY (LEA) PROGRAM NARRATIVE YEAR TITLE I – LEA Plan as Required by NCLB (Continued) #11. Coordination of Services 11.Describe how the LEA will coordinate and integrate Title I, Part A services with other educational services at the LEA or individual school level, including services for children with limited English proficiency, children with disabilities, migratory children, neglected or delinquent youth, Indian youth served under Title VII, Part A, homeless children, and immigrant children, in order to insure program effectiveness, eliminate duplication and reduce fragmentation of the instructional program. (Must be submitted by all LEAs) Page 32
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 TITLE I – LEA Plan as Required by NCLB (Continued) #13. Parent Involvement 13. The strategies/programs the LEA and schools use to implement effective parental involvement in programs assisted under Title I, Part A, as required in section Section 1118(a)(3)(A) requires an LEA to reserve not less than one percent of its Title I, Part A allocation to carry out parental involvement programs, activities and procedures, except that this requirement does not apply if one percent of such allocation is $5,000 or less. Section 1118(a)(3)(B) requires LEAs to involve parents in the decisions regarding how funds reserved under Section 1118(a)(3)(A) are allotted for parental involvement activities. If one percent of the LEA’s Title I, Part A allocation is more than $5,000, describe how the LEA has involved parents in the decisions regarding how funds reserved under Section 1118(a)(3)(A) are allotted for parental involvement activities. Additionally all LEAs must include the following: a description of how the LEA Title I Parent Involvement Policy was developed/revised to include all required sections/components and disseminated to parents. Submit a copy of the Title I LEA Parent Involvement Policy. Page 33
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 TITLE I – LEA Plan as Required by NCLB (Continued) 16. Supplemental Education Services (SES) 16.If applicable, the actions the LEA will take to implement supplemental educational services, consistent with section Note: This item will need revision if additional schools have been added under SINI 2 status. Page 33
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 TITLE I – LEA Plan as Required by NCLB (Continued) More on # 16. Supplemental Education Services (SES) “Who,What, When, Where, How” Please provide a paragraph describing: - Who (a title) created the SES parent communication information - What the district did to contact SED approved SES venders - What the district did to advertise the SES services to income eligible parents in the schools - When the activity occurred or will occur - Where a vender fair was conducted - How parents were notified of SES services in the district.
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
A. TITLE I SCHOOLS IN NEED OF IMPROVEMENT YEAR 1 AND YEAR 2- SINI(1), SINI(2) - “ Readers Digest Version” of the required Comprehensive Education Plan (CEP) for the SINI Year 1 and 2 schools. - Be as specific as possible. - #4. Provide a description of how schools designated as Title I Schools in Need of Improvement will address the new NCLB requirements to be included in their CEPs. The requirements are to:. incorporate strategies based on scientifically based research that will strengthen the core academic subjects in the school and address the specific academic issues that caused the school to be identified for school improvement;. adopt policies and practices concerning the school’s core academic subjects that have the greatest likelihood of ensuring that all groups of students specified in section 1111(b)(2)(C)(v) and enrolled in the school will meet the State’s proficient level of achievement on the state academic assessment described in section 1111(b)(3) not later than 12 years after the end of the school year;. specify how the funds used to provide high-quality professional development will be used to remove the school from school improvement status;. establish specific annual, measurable objectives for continuous and substantial progress by each group of students specified in section 1111(b)(2)(C)(v) and enrolled in the school that will ensure that all such groups of students will, in accordance with adequate yearly progress, meet the State’s proficient level of achievement on the State academic assessment described in section 1111(b)(3) by the end of the school year;. describe how the school will provide written notice about the identification to parents of students enrolled in such school, in a format and, to the extent practicable, in a language that the parents can understand;. specify the responsibilities of the school, the local educational agency, and the State educational agency, serving the school under the plan including technical assistance to be provided by the LEA under section 1116(b)(4) and the LEA’s responsibilities under section 1120A;. include strategies to promote effective parental involvement in the school;. incorporate, as appropriate, activities before school, after school, during the summer, and during any extension of the school year;. incorporate a teacher mentoring program. Pages
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 Page 34: Bullet Point 6 ( specify the responsibilities of the school, etc…) Requires a step by step description of: - what the school has done to identify its achievement gap - what strategies’ the school has put in place to address the gap - what the district has done to help the school identify its achievement gap - what the district has done to help the school identify the achievement gap and finally, -what SED has done. Note: Please contact your regional liaison this summer (2008) for additional details or further technical assistance.
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 B. TITLE I CORRECTIVE ACTION SCHOOLS - CA (1), CA (2)/PLANNING FOR RESTRUCTURING SCHOOLS - Information gathering. - Provide descriptions that include: who, what, when, where and how of district action. - Question 3: The “reader’s digest” version of the Corrective Action from the Comprehensive Education Plan. Provide information that gives a description that could readily be understood by outside readers who may not have worked with your district in the past. Page 35
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
FOR CA (2)/PLANNING FOR RESTRUCTURING SCHOOLS (ONLY) Years 1-5 Implementation - Provide requested information - Prepare Restructuring Plan at accountability status level Page 36
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
Public School Choice: Only for those districts with Title I Schools in Need of Improvement, Title I Corrective Action Schools, and Title I Restructuring. - Must be completed by Big Four and Group 1 LEAs. - If choice is not available, the LEA must indicate why and what additional services will be available. + Create and Send a Parent Letter - Fully describe district’s plans and actions Page 37
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
Public School Choice: Complaint Process - Describe procedures for receiving and handling complaints from parents. - Include Timelines for handling complaints. - Send Parent Complaint Policy Page 38
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TITLE I, LEA IMPROVEMENT AND TITLE I LEA CORRECTIVE ACTION: - Identify DINI Status - Contact Regional Liaison to discuss concerns, questions - LEA Improvement Plan provides positive and in-depth discussion points Pages 39-41
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
B. Title I LEA Corrective Action- Year 3 (DINI-3) - Audit of Curriculum and Instruction - Development of a District Action Plan - Begin implementation no later than September Technical Assistance: Contact Meg McNiff, Title I Office (Call: ) Page 40
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
Title I, Parental Notification Requirements: - #1-4: limited English proficiency program (LEP) only - #5: Title I SINI, CA and/or Restructuring schools + Fully describe procedure to notify parents of school choice and/or supplemental education services (SES) + Submit Sample Letter - #6: LEA in Improvement + Describe procedures implemented to inform parents + Submit documentation that notification occurred Page 43
Title I, Qualifications for Teachers and Paraprofessionals/Professional Development: A response is required for each narrative item. Group 1 and Big Four - Only submit this page if significant changes in program(s) have occurred or if the LEA has failed to meet the Teacher Quality AMO of 100% (see release/home.htm). Group 2 – LEAs In Good Standing: Only submit this page if significant changes in program(s) have occurred or if the LEA has failed to meet the Teacher Quality AMO of 100% LEAs must spend at least 5% of Title I, Part A funds on professional development activities to ensure all teachers of core academic subjects become “highly qualified” by the end of school year If all teachers are “highly qualified” the LEA is not required to set-aside funds. Reference should be made to the most recent “Updated Fact Sheet on NCLB Requirements for Teachers and Paraprofessionals” at This Fact Sheet represents our current understanding of such requirements, but may change as additional guidance is received from the United States Department of Education. Provide a description of the actions that the LEA will take to ensure that: 1.All teachers of core academic subjects are highly qualified or, if subject to a permitted extension, are making progress towards becoming highly qualified by the end of the extension period. 2.All paraprofessionals working in a program supported with Title I funds or a schoolwide program and providing instructional support have met the qualification requirements. 3.All paraprofessionals working in a program supported with Title I funds or a schoolwide program have earned a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent, regardless of whether the paraprofessional is providing instructional support. 4.The process the LEA will implement to verify compliance with the requirements of section 1119 for teacher and paraprofessional qualifications and the duties of paraprofessionals is in place. Principals of Title I schools must attest in writing annually as to whether the school is in compliance. Submit a sample of the attestation form. 5.The LEA’s annual reporting and dissemination process that will document the progress of the LEA and each of its schools in ensuring that all teachers are highly qualified is in place. LEAs that have been identified under Section 2141 of NCLB as failing to meet the ‘highly qualified teacher’ annual measurable objective (AMO) of 100% in (see must complete section A of the Teacher Quality Plan. LEAs that have also failed to make AYP for three consecutive years, must also complete Section B of the Teacher Quality Plan. Page 44-45
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 Title I, Qualifications for Teachers and Paraprofessionals / Professional Development: - As highlighted: Only submit this page if significant changes in program(s) have occurred or if the LEA has failed to meet the Teacher Quality Annual Measureable Objective (AMO) of 100%.
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
Title I, Parents’ Right-To-Know as Required by NCLB: - If an LEA experiences a significant change in the numbers of uncertified / not Highly Qualified Teachers (HQT), then this section would need to be completed. Page 46
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
PRIVATE SCHOOL PARTICIPATION FORM – : ALL 18 ITEMS (pages 82-85) should be filled out as they apply to the Title I Program services being received by the private school. Attach a short written description of ALL Title ( I-A, II-A, II-D, III, IV, V ) program services that the private school will receive. Be sure – + signed and dated + service / dollar amounts indicated + dates of consultation must be included Pages 82-85
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
TITLE I, PART D, LOCAL AGENCY PROGRAMS: PARTICIPATION OF FACILITIES WITH CHILDREN WHO ARE NEGLECTED, DELINQUENT, OR AT- RISK OF DROPPING OUT OF SCHOOL - Indicate if the facility is Neglected or Delinquent. - Obtain the necessary Facility Director signature. - Answer all 1-14 narrative questions. - Items not applicable to the facility should be indicated with an “N/A.” - Title I, Part A and D funds must be on one budget. Part A and D should equal total allocation that is listed for the LEA for Title I. Pages 86-87
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
BUDGET NARRATIVE: - These pages are to be attached to the Title I FS The budget code descriptions should not mimic the FS-10 listed items, but should be a short description of how the funds will be used. - One copy only, is needed. Pages
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
FS-10: - Fill in each column or section as required. - Title I LEA Reserves (Set-asides): + Homeless Reserve for Non-Title I funded school buildings. + One (1%) Percent reserve for Parental Involvement Activities for Districts with a Title I, Part A, allocation of $500, or more. + Private School reserve for districts who have resident students attending a private school in a neighboring district. + Reserve for Neglected and/or Delinquent Institutions (May be Title I, Part A and/or D funds).
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 FS-10: - Title I LEA Reserves (Set-asides): Continued + Ten (10%) Percent Reserve (10% of the designated building’s Title I allocation) for Professional Development in a district with a SINI, C/A, or Restructuring School(s). + Five (5%) Percent or Ten (10%) Percent – if available- Reserve for Public School Choice transportation for districts with a SINI, C/A, or Restructuring School(s). + Ten (10%) or Fifteen (15 %) Percent Reserve for Supplemental Educational Services (SES) for districts with a SINI Year 2, C/A, or Restructuring school(s).
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 FS-10: Title I, Part A Optional Reserves - Professional Development - Administrative Costs - Differentiated Staff Salaries - Pre-K Services - Capital Expenses
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 FS-10: Reminders- - Account for all monies going into each building + identify the building the money is flowing into + the amount of money that building is receiving, and + if that money counts towards the set- aside requirements
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 FS-10: Reminders (continued) – + specify what buildings will be receiving the supplies and materials or equipment * especially those funds over $1,000 + usually a small notation will assist the reviewer / liaison in tracking the monies Sample FS-10:
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 REMINDER: Failure to submit any one of the following sections of the Consolidated Application Update will automatically stop the application and budget review and approval process: - Application Cover and Signature Page - Assurances and Certifications: Pages Checklists: Pages 3-5 (Sections Submission & Change/No Change Pages)
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of Consultation/Collaboration Documentation Form (With all required signatures) Page Title I LEA Plan for Homeless Students – Pages Copy of the District’s Student Enrollment Form (May also be called Homeless Student Residency Questionnaire)
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of Response to Items 11,13 and 16 of the TITLE I – LEA Plan as Required by NCLB (Items are found on Pages 32-33) - Title I School Improvement, Title I Corrective Action, and Title I Restructuring (Pages 34-41) - Most recent copy of the LEA-Level Parent Involvement Policy - Title I, Part A & D FS-10 and Budget Narrative (Pages )
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 Additional Requirements if Applicable: - For Districts that have Private Schools located within district boundaries, they must fill out and attach the Private School Participation Form (Pages 82-85). - Districts that send children to local Institutions that are considered Neglected and/or Delinquent facilities must fill out and attach the Title I, Part D, N and/or D Form (Pages 86-87).
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 Helpful Websites: EMSC > School Improvement & Community Services-Regional (SICS-R) EMSC > SICS-R > Regional School Services EMSC > NCLB EMSC>NCLB>Funding Opportunities (Allocations) opport.htm
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 Contact Regional School Support at or call:
Consolidated Application Update No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 Thank You for Attending