Economic Migrants Make 2 pages of notes under following headings 1- Why have poles moved into N.I 2- List Push / pull factors 3- Areas where they have settled 4- What are advs to NI 5- What are disadvantages to NI 6- What are disadvantages to Poland Use maps and diagrams where appropriate. Polish people in Ireland wikipedia Ethnic Minorities in N.Ireland The benefits of Polish workers New business opportunities to cater to polish market Are immigrants a problem? The disadvantages to Poland Over 1000 Poles apply for the PSNI Do polish exploit Britain Tensions and Racism towards Polish workers Poles are considering starting to vote in Northern Ireland Polish people have now their own website in NI Could there be a first all polish school in NI
What Where 3 Pull Factors 3 Push Factors Advantages to NI Disadvantages to NI Disadvantages to Poland Economic Migrants
June 2014