HOW DO WE USE DIBELS WITH AN OUTCOMES-DRIVEN MODEL? Identify the Need for Support Validate the Need for Support Plan Support Evaluate Effectiveness of Support Plan Support Evaluate Effectiveness of Support Review Outcomes Implement Support Benchmark Assessment Progress Monitoring Benchmark Assessment
DIBELS Next MeasureBig 5 Idea in Reading First Sound Fluency & Phoneme Segmentation Fluency Phonemic Awareness Nonsense Word Fluency -Correct Letter Sounds -Whole Words Read Basic Phonics Skills Oral Reading Fluency -Accuracy Advanced Phonics Oral Reading Fluency -Accuracy -Correct Words/Minute Fluency Oral Reading Fluency -Correct Words/Minute -Retell -Retell Quality DAZE Comprehension
OUTCOMES-DRIVEN MODEL StepQuestionsData Identify Need Are there students who may need support? How many? Which students? Benchmark data: Your Students’ Composite Score, DIBELS Next Measure Breakdown, Growth this Year, Finding Students in Need, Seeing Achievement Gaps Validate Need Are we confident that the indentified students need support? Benchmark data and additional information: Repeat assessment, use additional data, knowledge of/information about student Plan Support What level of support for which students? How to group students? What goals, specific skills, curriculum/program, instructional strategies? Benchmark data and additional information: Your Students’ Composite Score, DIBELS Next Measure Breakdown,, Finding Students in Need, Seeing Achievement Gaps Evaluate Support Is the support effective for individual students? Progress monitoring data: DIBELS Effectiveness Formula, Your Students’ Composite Score Evaluate Outcomes As a school/district: How effectives is our core (benchmark) support? How effective is our supplemental (strategic) support? How effective is our intervention (intensive) support? Benchmark data: Your students’ composite score, DIBELS Next Measure Breakdown, Growth this Year, DIBELS Effectiveness Formula, Seeing Achievement Gaps
TRY IT OUT… Kindergarten Classroom Spring 50% at benchmark on PSF and NWF Goal??? (winter partner)
TRY IT OUT… First Grade Classroom 80% at benchmark on ORF 40% on NWF Goal??? (winter partner)
TRY IT OUT… Second Grade Classroom Fall 90% benchmark on NWF 40% benchmark on ORF Goal??? (spring partner)
TRY IT OUT… Fourth Grade Classroom 65% benchmark on Composite Score 90% benchmark on DORF Fluency 60% benchmark on DORF Accuracy 55% benchmark on DAZE Goal??? (spring partner)
TRY IT OUT… Sixth Grade Classroom 80% benchmark on Composite Score 60% benchmark on DORF Fluency 95% benchmark on DORF Accuracy 90% benchmark on DAZE Goal??? (spring partner)
WHAT SKILLS SHOULD WE TEACH? Scenario Review 1.What if a student is low on First Sound Fluency and Phoneme Segmentation Fluency? Target Phonemic awareness 2.What if a students is low on Nonsense Word Fluency? If NWF accuracy is below 97%, target accuracy w/ beginning phonics If NWF accuracy is at/above 97%, but low recoding, target blending with phonemic awareness blending skills If NWF accuracy is at/above 97%, target building automaticity (fluency) (summer partner)
WHAT SKILLS SHOULD WE TEACH? Scenario Review 1.What if a student is low on oral reading fluency? Target fluency with connected text if accuracy is greater than 95% Target alphabetic principle if accuracy is less than 95% Target comprehension and/or vocabulary if student is making meaning distortion errors 2.What if a student is low on ORF + DAZE Teach fluency & comprehension (fall partner)
SAMPLE GRAPH #1 What do we need to do with this student?
SAMPLE GRAPH #2 What do we need to do with this student?
SAMPLE GRAPH #3 What do we need to do with this student?
SAMPLE GRAPH #4 What do we need to do with this student?
EXPECTED ORF GROWTH RATES GradeRealistic GoalAmbitious Goal 1st2.0 words/week3.0 words/week 2nd1.5 words/week2.0 words/week 3rd1.0 words/week1.5 words/week 4th.85 words/week1.1 words/week 5th.50 words/week.80 words/week 6th.30 words/week.65 words/week Fuchs, Fuchs, Hamlett, Walz, & Germann (1993)