Chapter 26 The Sun and the Solar System
Chapter 26.1
The Sun’s Size, Heat and Structure
Size MMMMore than 1,000,000 earth’s would fit inside the sun TTTThe sun’s diameter is 110 times the earth’s CCCCompared to other stars it is just average in size IIIIf the sun was a bottle cap the largest star, Epsilon Aurigae, would be the size of a football field
Sun’s Energy FFFFusion – the combining of the nuclei of lighter elements to form heavier elements is the source of energy of all stars EEEE = mc2 – this equation shows the relationship between mass and energy –M–M–M–Matter can be converted into energy DDDDue to intense heat and pressure, atoms get torn apart into the nuclei and electrons. This results in H & He existing as a plasma
TTTThese nuclei normally repel each other, however, due to their speed, over crowding and heat, they are forced to fuse. WWWWhen 4 Hydrogen nuclei come together, they produce a Helium nucleus. A by- product of this is energy.
Sun’s Layers DDDDuring the fusion reaction, energy is produced inside the sun that pushes outward is balanced by the force of gravity drawing the layers inward CCCCore – mostly plasma H & He –T–T–T–Temperature ≈ 15,600,000°C RRRRadioactive Zone – surrounds the core –N–N–N–Near the core ≈ 8,000,000°C –N–N–N–Near the convection zone (next layer) ≈ 2,000,000°C
CCCConvection Zone – rising and falling currents carry energy to sun’s surface PPPPhotosphere – v v v v v iiii ssss iiii bbbb llll eeee s s s s uuuu rrrr ffff aaaa cccc eeee o o o o of the sun –C–C–C–Consist of granules – 1,000km wide, 20 minute life –T–T–T–Temperature ≈ 6,000°C IIIInner atmosphere – chromosphere –A–A–A–Area where solar prominences take place OOOOuter atmosphere – corona – visible during total solar eclipses
Chapter 26.2
Features of the Sun SSSSun is 150,000,000km away from earth, this distance is known as an Astronomical Unit (A.U.) SSSSunspots – Dark spots on the photosphere –S–S–S–Some are barely visible while others are 4 times larger than Earth –S–S–S–Small one may last a few hour – large ones months
–A–A–A–Are very hot and bright – look dark because the photosphere is so much hotter and brighter than the sunspots –M–M–M–Move from left to right across surface TTTThis gave evidence that the sun rotates
–A–A–A–An increase in sun spots may result in increased solar flares, solar winds and auroras –S–S–S–Sunspot activity peaks every 11 years SSSSun’s rotation –A–A–A–At the equator – 25 days –A–A–A–At the poles – 34 days
SSSSolar winds – corona gives off a constant stream of electrically charged particles –M–M–M–Mostly protons and electrons –T–T–T–The earth’s magnetic field will reflect most of them p.514 –A–A–A–Auroras – bright lights at the earth’s poles caused by solar wind particles interacting with earth’s magnetic field –H–H–H–Holes in the corona (coronal holes) and solar flares are sources of solar winds
Chapter 26.3
Observing the Solar System: A History
The movement of Planets and Stars AAAAs we watch the sun go across the sky it appears to move as we stand still. FFFFor 2,000 years it was the belief that the earth was the center of the universe, it is called geocentric (earth centered) SSSStars were thought to have been holes in a celestial sphere that surrounded earth. Behind the sphere was a source of intense light
TTTThe changing positions of constellations gave basics for the 1st calendars SSSSome points were not fixed in constellation, they wandered. Astronomists believe those point of lights were closer (Planets) MMMMost of the time the planets move eastward however they stop and then move west for a few weeks, then back eastward, this is known as retrograde motion.
Chapter 26.4
History of Astronomers
Ptolemy – lived in Egypt in the 2 nd century AD GGGGeocentric Model – explained retrograde motion by the use of epicycles – perfect spheres the planet revolved on while on the planetary sphere
Copernicus PPPPolish astronomer ( ) proposed a heliocentric (sun centered) solar system CCCCould explain retrograde by the different speeds the planets (including earth) went around the sun (p. 578)
Tycho Brahe 11116th century observational astronomer mmmmade in-depth study of the moon and planets throughout their orbits iiiidentified a number of unexpected occurrence if the orbits were round DDDDied before he could apply his data
Kepler UUUUsed Tycho’s work and found out that the orbits were elliptical rather than round CCCCreated 3 laws of planetary motion
1 st law pppplanets travel in elliptical orbits with the sun at one focus
2 nd law PPPPlanets travel faster when closer to the sun –t–t–t–this law is also known as the equal area law –p–p–p–planets sweep out equal area in equal time
3 rd Law or Harmonic Law iiiis used to find a planets mean distance from the sun –P–P–P–Period2 = Distance3 pppperiod – time taken to revolve around the sun ddddistance – mean distance between the planet and the sun TTTThe average speed of earth in its orbit is 30km/sec
Newton (1642 – 1727) English scientist mathematician NNNNewton identifies gravity as the force that keeps the earth in orbit around the sun TTTThe strength of gravity is proportional to the masses and indirectly to their distance