1 Presentation to ASAS TN2 17 th September 2007 Mel Rees Head of Surveillance EUROCONTROL EUROCONTROL SURVEILLANCE STRATEGY
2 Pillars of ATM Ground Based Surveillance Non-Cooperative Independent Surveillance: Calculates the (2D) position without reliance on aircraft avionics Primary Surveillance Radar (PSR) Cooperative Independent Surveillance: Provides the calculated aircraft 3D position and processes other aircraft avionic data (Mode A/C/S, DAPs or ADD) (Monopulse) Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR), SSR Mode S, Airport Multilateration (MLAT) and Wide Area Multilateration (WAM) Cooperative Dependent Surveillance: Provides the aircraft derived position (GPS or INS) and other aircraft avionic data (including ADD) to broadcast “air-ground” and “air-air” ADS-B, (ADS-C)
3 Surveillance Strategy MSSR SSR Mode S ADS-B MLAT WAM Surveillance Data processing systems 3 pillars of mutually interoperable and compatible technologies Primary Radar
4 Surveillance Choice The Surveillance Strategy for ECAC does not mandate the implementation of any specific surveillance technology or technique, but leaves the choice of ground based surveillance systems to the (ANSP) surveillance provider, depending on: Operational Requirements Safety assessment The business case (geography, cost, topology, preference, integration risk, redundancy, integrity, etc). PSR is required in TMAs to cater for failed avionics in a critical phase of flight.
5 Primary Surveillance Radar Primary Surveillance Radars are expensive, high powered and spectrum inefficient The maintenance and support lifecycle cost are high Some European Air Navigation Service Providers are considering not replacing primary radar in the future However, PSR is a safety net in TMA EUROCONTROL is investigating the possibility of a more cost effective alternative solution for Primary Surveillance Radar
6 Until 2020+, at least one layer of ATM ground surveillance should be an co-operative independent surveillance to meet safety requirements: Layer 1 Layer 2 TMA / En-Route Ground Based Surveillance For safety or security reasons, Non-Cooperative Independent Surveillance as implemented, if required: PSR “Multi-Static PSR” (MSPSR) - Available - R&D required MSSR/SSR Mode S - Operational WAM MSSR/SSR Mode S - Operational ADS-B MSSR/SSR Mode S - Planned ADS-B WAM - Foreseen Status:
7 To provide an Airport Situation Picture, including identification of aircraft and vehicles, a cooperative independent surveillance is required, that also supports the implementation of higher A-SMGCS levels. Airports Ground Based Surveillance For safety reasons, Non-cooperative Independent Surveillance is implemented, as required: SMR - Available at most airports Multilateration (MLAT) - Operational at many major European airport ADS-B - Planned at secondary airports Status: Airport Surveillance TIS-B - TIS-B or equivalent required for highest levels of A-SMGCS. Not yet implemented.
8 SESAR - Surveillance Systems Weather Radar Ground Based Airborne Wake Vortex detection Ground Based Airborne Special surveillance systems Debris detection Low Power SSR (Mode S) Transponder Some other Surveillance Systems identified by SESAR: NOT currently included in the SUR Strategy
9 Wide Area Multilateration (WAM) Some WAM systems already in operational use, however Standards not yet generally available. ICAO ASP working to “recognise” WAM in ICAO Docs. EUROCAE WG 70 “WAM MOPS” due mid Certification based on comparison with the SSR Standards; shows performance equal to or better than SSR. Generic Safety Statement, available end Guidelines for Approval/Certification due early 2008.
10 ADS-B Out ADS-B NRA (SPR/Interop) developed by RFG. ADS-B RAD due mid 2008 ADS-B APT and ADS-B SURF due mid ES transponder numbers increasing in European airspace. However, currently there are some issues that require attention There is no mandate yet for the carriage of 1090 ES No certification yet, NRA due end 2007 (Certification generally 1yr after Standards available) The aircraft avionic position potentially needs to be verified by an independent means of surveillance ( results from safety work ) Combination of ADS-B/WAM likely future surveillance scenario
11 ADS-B In ADS-B “in” is required for ATSA and ASAS applications, these will become more and more important ATSA VSA and ATSA ITP standards due mid 2008 ATSA AIRB standards due 2009 Other ATSA and ASAS standards (SPR + Interop) will come later.
12 Transponder Monitoring The Airborne Monitoring Programme is also used to track the airborne transponder equipage: Mode-S and ADS-B Elementary surveillance Statistics – ELS March 2007Trend Percentage of the flights with SI code capability (bds1.0)96.96 % Percentage of the flights with aircraft ID capability (bds.10)95.84 % Enhanced surveillance Statistics – EHS (bds1.0 bit25=1) Percentage of the flights with enhanced surveillance capability92.59 % ADS-B: Extended Squitter capability – ES (bds 1.0) Percentage of flights with Extended Squitter capability % Flights with aircraft ID confirmed correct90.62 % In the European Core area August 07 data
13 ARTAS, RMCDE and SASS-C are complementary products, being updated to process ADS-B Out, ADS-C and WAM/MLATdata. Surveillance Sensors Reports Tracks Sensor Configuration Planning Sensor performance analysis Track analysis PSR MSSR Mode S ADS WAM MLT ATC functions Surveillance Products Surveillance Data Distribution Surveillance Data Processing Surveillance Data Evaluation RMCDE ARTAS RRR SASS-C
14 Implementing Rule Surveillance Performance and Interoperability EC requested a Surveillance Performance and Interoperability Implementing Rule. Draft Regulatory Approach offered 3 options; option 3 = carriage of 1090ES/SI capable Mode S transponder. This solution supported by 75% of those who commented. Draft IR will now be constructed along the lines of option 3. Out for formal EPRM consultation in spring Date of applicability, yet to be determined.
15 Conclusions SUR Strategy, as described, widely implemented within ECAC. Strategy accepted into SESAR. SESAR Implementation Packages, leading to target architecture, still under development as part of D4 activity. All strategy elements will be formally mapped to an Implementation Milestone. Likely ADS-B ATSA and ASAS applications will be spread across several of the Implementation Packages, building as time progresses.
16 Reserve slides giving more detail
17 Within En-Route and TMA airspace, the key operational drivers for the surveillance strategy are illustrated in figure 1. Surveillance Strategy for ECAC
18 The strategy for the ground based surveillance infrastructure to enable the ATM operational En-Route and TMA applications over the next twenty years is illustrated in figure 2. Surveillance Strategy for ECAC
19 At Airports, the key operational drivers for the surveillance strategy are illustrated in figure 3. Surveillance Strategy for ECAC
20 The strategy for the Airport surveillance infrastructure to enable the ATM applications over the next twenty years is illustrated in figure 4. Surveillance Strategy for ECAC
21 The strategy for the Airborne surveillance infrastructure to enable the ATM applications over the next twenty years is illustrated in figure 5. Surveillance Strategy for ECAC