Lessons from Denmark - Development in the last ten years Energinet


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Presentation transcript:

Lessons from Denmark - Development in the last ten years Energinet Lessons from Denmark - Development in the last ten years Energinet.dk Torben Brabo Vice President, Gas Lessons from Denmark

Agenda GIE Conference Bucharest From closed book to open process Danish wish for full opening and unbundling From national to European initiatives From domestic production to import From few bilateral contracts to auctions EU Gas Directive 1998 From manual to online to real-time From fossil fuel to climate friendly energies Lessons from Denmark

From closed book to open process 1999-2003 2004-2008 2009-2012 One political deal One gas company Planning introduced gas Domestic reserves Simple infrastructure One year lead time for implementation of Gas Directive 23 shippers 10 storage customers Export for more than 25 years Declining reserves change the supply picture Open process with customers and authorities on developing the Network Code Energinet.dk Online - one hour lead time More DMS Central data hub Open Season coordinated with Norway, Poland, Sweden, Germany Third Directive and ENTSOG - What can we do for the customers? Lessons from Denmark

From bilateral contracts to auctions 1999-2003 2004-2008 2009-2012 Few contracts between Danish Underground Consortium and DONG Few contracts between DONG and regional DSOs No TSO contracts New entrants Old agreements partitioned GTF reaches 50% of demand Nord Pool Gas TSO acts on market based mechanisms IT is the key Balance system tightened Exchange provides real price signals Intra-day balancing market Regulating gas market Daily auctions What products are required in a liberalised market? Lessons from Denmark

Climate is the future 2008 2009 2020 Danish climate goals include 20% renewables by 2011 and ”no fossil fuels” by 2050 Can gas play the role as intermediate fuel bringing us from the fossil era to a greener future? Gas competes with biofuels and looses! Biogas are one option Gas in the transport sector another CO2 goal is key Energinet.dk has EUR 20m R&D programme Carbon Capture and Storage (CSS) 2 Danish projects Hydrogen? TSO role for CSS or hydrogen? Gas as flexible fuel in the power sector Lessons from Denmark

The Potential Scandinavian Gas Market in 2013 Existing pipelines Existing storage facilities DK Baltic Pipe Potential storage capacity Potential pipelines Skanled Existing compressors Existing hubs Potential hubs Potential compressors Lessons from Denmark

Thank you for your attention! Contacts in Energinet.dk Gas Division Customers and Market Development: Pia H. Nielsen, PHN@energinet.dk Marcus Hansen, MAH@energinet.dk Tariffs and Infrastructure: Søren Juel Hansen, SJH@energinet.dk Frederik Kjerulf, FSK@energinet.dk Settlement: Christian Andersen, CAN@energinet.dk Gas Storage: Bjørn Denninger, BDE@energinet.dk Gas Division: Peter A. Hodal, PAH@energinet.dk Torben Brabo, TBR@energinet.dk Thank you for your attention! Lessons from Denmark