Question Authority? Why not question everything….even your own assumptions …..
#17 - Child Development Nature vs. Nurture Genetic/Biological Influences versus Family/Social/Experiential Influences?
What are the stages of Prenatal Development? Overall Timeline 3 Stages: Germinal – Embryonic – Fetal -
Neurocardiology Social-emotional information passed from mother to infant throughout pregnancy Electromagnetic (Limbic) communication of love/security/support vs. scarcity/fear/threat can predispose the infant’s neural networks
Attachment Social-emotional attachment begins in the 1 st month of pregnancy and affects an individual throughout life. Features of reactive-attachment disorder
How are infant personalities determined ? Easy Slow to warm up Difficult No category Temperaments***
What happens in Physical Development? - 21 days - 24 days - 28 days - 42 days (0 – 8 weeks) (8-16 weeks) (16 wks on)
What is the impact of Teratogens ? Fetal Alcohol Effects Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Example from Film
Family/Social Influence Understanding of milestones Subtle & Overt influences of attitudes, beliefs, gender, etc….
What are Piaget’s Cognitive Stages? Sensorimotor Preoperational Concrete Thinking Formal Operations
What occurs in Social Development? Erikson Trust vs Mistrust Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt Initiative vs. Guilt Industry vs. Inferiority
Are there reasons to take children from their parents? Neglect – inadequate care Physical abuse – damaging physical contact Sexual abuse – violating personal physical boundaries of privacy
Can parents get their children back ? When or if a child should be removed from the situation Attention to personal/marital problems of abuser Teaching positive parent/child interactions