Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit The Global Burnt Area 2000 initiative: GBA-2000 Mapping, from SPOT-VEGETATION S1 imagery, of the areas burnt globally during the year 2000 An overview J-M. Grégoire SAI-GVM June 2001
Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit The Global Burnt Area 2000 initiative: GBA-2000 A contribution to the Global Land Cover (GLC 2000) initiative In response to the needs for environmental assessment of the interactions between biomass burning and land cover change: Biodiversity, Desertification and Climate Change Conventions between biomass burning and emissions of GHG & aerosols: Climate Change Convention
Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Biomass burning & land cover type/conditions three main situations Regular & frequent burning is a characteristic of the land cover class some kind of equilibrium between burning & land cover example: African savannas of the Sudanian domain Due to land use change, regular & frequent burning did appear recently, but is not a characteristic of the current land cover class there is a progressive modification of the land cover type or conditions example: degraded tropical forests Burning is an exceptional event, and certainly not a characteristic of the land cover class there is a drastic & sudden modification of the land cover example: fire events in evergreen rainforests of the tropical belt
Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit a binary map (burnt-unburnt) monthly non-accumulative global burn scar map, at 1 km resolution statistics of burnt areas area burnt in 2000 per country, per month, and per main types of vegetation cover (IGBP-DIS, Hansen et al., …….) GBA-2000 Product definition
Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit GBA-2000 General approach Selection of a limited number of co-investigators : 8 criteria: access to validation data sets & field expertise/contacts Development of regional algorithms for processing VGT S1 imagery to burnt area maps Integration of the regional algorithms into a global processing chain at JRC
Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit GBA 2000 Co-Investigators CSIRO(AU) - UTL(P) - NRI(UK) - CNR(I) - CCRS (CA) - CRG (CA) - IFI (RU) - SAI (EU) GBA test-sites (white rectangles; indicative position), with corresponding geographical coordinates (Ul; LR corners) 63N - 81W 44N - 55W (CRG) 62.5N-112W 57N-104.5W (CCRS) 18N - 93W 7N - 77W (NRI) 5S - 75W 20S - 45W (UTL) 17S - 21E 28S - 29E (NRI) 10S - 22E 28S - 42E (UTL) 18N - 18W E (CNR) 44N - 10W 36N - 0 (UTL) 11S - 125E 21S - 135E (CSIRO) 60N - 118E 48N - 140E (IFI) 68N - 45E 60N - 60E (IFI) 55N - 115E 40N - 135E (UTL) 10S - 125E 18S - 146E (GVM)
Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Who is responsible for what ? SAI-GVM purchase of the SPOT-VGT S1 time series (costs shared with CNES) delivery (FTP, DAT, DLT …etc) of the regional datasets contribute to the purchase of high resolution imagery for validation implementation of the regional algorithms into a global processing chain overall co-ordination Regional Co-Investigators development & test of the regionally adapted algorithms performance assessment of the algorithms delivery of the algorithms to GVM contribution (tbd) to the validation of the end product
Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Action plan & schedule Data delivery to Co-I Development & test of regional algorithms Performance assessment of regional algorithms Consensus on set of regional algorithms Integration of regional algo. into proc. chain Generation of the GBA product Accuracy assessment of the GBA product Product dissemination July 00Jan 01July 01 Dec 01July 02
Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit GBA-2000 Methodological component
Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Pre-processing of the SPOT-VGT S1 time series Masking for clouds & cloud shadows (adapted from Kempeneers et al.,2000) for extreme viewing zenith angles (> 50 o ) for max. NDVI composite areas (+/- 32 o Lat.) for non-burnable areas. IGBP-DIS (EDC/USGS). Simple Biosphere Model 2 (EDC). Maryland Global Landcover Dataset (Hansen et al., 2000)
Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Processing of the SPOT-VGT S1 to burnt area maps Supervised temporal change detection techniques, on a pixel basis applied to single date images (NRI, Flasse et al.; UTL, Pereira et al.) non consecutive images: 5-day cycle (Boschetti et al., 2001) Supervised temporal change detection techniques, on a pixel basis applied to composite images (JRC, Stroppiana et al., 2001; IFI, Ershov et al.) compositing = 10-day, min NIR Supervised temporal change detection techniques, on a pixel basis but with a spatial dependency (CNR, Brivio et al.) applied to single date images contextual window 3x3 neural network approach 3 approaches currently tested All based on change detection techniques in NIR, SWIR & NDWI
Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit GBA-2000 Validation component
Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit ref. Document prepared by NRI and CNR, and distributed by e_mail GBA2000-Algorithm performance & final product assessment Comments and suggestions (NRI and CNR, 21 February 2001) Guidelines for validation
Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit of the algorithm regression estimator, over the regions covered by TM data overall accuracy omission & comission errors of the classification evaluation, on a grid basis over the entire region classified to BA Output for each classification overall accuracy of the map overall accuracy of the algorithm levels of under and overestimation Performance analysis
Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Performances of the algorithm Set of BA maps derived from SPOT-VGT 1 map for each classification tool BA map derived from high resolution imagery (TM) Regression estimator 1 to 1 line: level of omission and comission errors regression line: overall accuracy Samples (14 x 14 km) randomly distributed
Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit GBA 2000: validation sites GBA validation sites, with corresponding co-investigators Central Af. Rep. / CNR Canada / CCRS Niamibia Botswana / NRI Mozambic / UTL Portugal / UTL Siberia / IFI + UTL West Russia / IFI Guinea / CNR Australia / JRC + CSIRO Mexico / NRI
Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Performance analysis Region:Africa N-Eq. (sub-window 1) Co-I:CNR (Milan) Site(s): TM 201/5210/12/99 TM 201/5415/03/00 TM 200/5319/12/99 & 08/03/00 TM 199/5312/12/99 TM 198/5421/12/99
Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Performance analysis Region:Africa N-Eq. (sub window 2) Co-I:CNR (Milan) Site(s): TM 181/5703/03/00 TM 179/5630/11/99 & 06/04/00 TM 177/5616/11/99 & 04/02/00 TM 177/5702/12/99
Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Site(s): TM from /69-70; 104/69-70 TM from / /05/ /06/ /07/ /08/ /09/00 113/07508/07/00 02/11/00 110/07208/07/00 10/09/00 098/07020/07/00 06/09/00 089/08222/09/00 11/12/00 Performance analysisAustralia Co-I: GVM (Ispra) EOC (Canberra)
Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Performance analysis Russia & Siberia study-sites (IFI)
Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Performance analysisFar East Siberia Co-I :IFI (Moscow) UTL (Lisbon) Site(s): TM 124/2211/08/00 TM 118/2314/06/00
Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Site(s) TM 165/70 10/08/00 11/09/00 27/09/00 Performance analysisMozambic Co-I: UTL (Lisbon)
Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Site(s) TM 204/316/10/00 TM 204/326/10/00 TM 204/336/10/00 TM 204/346/10/00 23/10/00 TM 203/317/10/00 TM 203/327/10/00 TM 203/337/10/00 Performance analysisIberic Peninsula Co-I: UTL (Lisbon)
Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Site(s) TM 179/74 12/08/00 31/10/00 TM 174/7410/09/00 20/10/ Performance analysisNamibia-Botswana Co-I: NRI (Chatham)
Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Site(s) TM 30/45 18/04/00 20/05/00 TM 33/4023/04/00 25/05/ Performance analysisMexico Co-I: NRI (Chatham)
Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Site(s) TM /06/00 04/09/00 TM /09/00 TM /09/99 Performance analysisCanada Co-I: CCRS (Ottawa)
Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit Space Applications Institute (jmg/fireglob/Gba_vgt/GBA-2000_Project) Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit GBA-2000 Status on June 2001 Data distribution to co-investigators completed Development of regional algorithms + completed for. Australia test-site. Africa, Namibia/Botswana site. Africa, Northern hemisphere + initiated for. Africa, Mozambic test-site. Russia, Far East Siberia. Canada + evaluation during the GOFC-Fire workshop, Lisbon, July 9-11 Performance analysis + initiated forAustralia & Africa Global processing chain at JRC + pre-processing module completed + processing module: tests started over. African continent. Australia