Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security CSD-17 Side-Event 6 May 2009 Thomas Rosswall, Chair CCCP
The Challenge Climate change will worsen the living conditions of farmers, fishers and forest-dependent people who are already vulnerable and food insecure. Hunger and malnutrition will increase. Rural communities... face an immediate and ever-growing risk of increased crop failure (and) loss of livestock... Poor people will be at risk of food insecurity... FAO 2009
6 May 2009 CSD-17 ICSU-CGIAR-ESSP-IFAP Side Event Global IntegratedSiloed Local Business As Usual CGIAR Development Research Business As Usual Global Change TOMORROW D4GΔ Development for Global Change Adapted from Sara Farley, The World Bank
Tipping points Per Olsson, SRC, 2009
Programme Jim Hansen (Columbia University): Managing Current Risks and Preparing for Progressive Change Lindiwe Sibanda (FANRPAN): The Africa Climate Solution: Carbon Sinks and Pools Jerry Nelson (IFPRI): Climate Change, Agriculture and Policy: Who Bears the Costs? Sarala Gopalan (IFAP): Farmers’ Solutions to Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Discussion