Project “Development of an HIV/AIDS Prevention Programme in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan” Project “Development of an HIV/AIDS Prevention Programme in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan”
Challenges at the starting Funds mobilization
Challenges at the starting Approach of MoD to HIV prevention: We don’t need condoms - our soldiers are totally isolated from sex We don’t need International Consultant We need only equipment
Challenges at the starting Pessimistic feelings towards Army Project Delay with approval of the Project by MoD
Actions taken Involvement of TG and UNAIDS CC for CAR Advocacy Meetings with Heads of Departments of MoD Ownership
Mobilized Funds UNAIDS - $ 49,900 UNDP - $ 5,000 Parallel funding: WHO - $ - 1,000 In-kind Contribution: UNFPA - $ 10,000 (condoms) WHO UNESCO Ministry of Defense
Additionally mobilized funds IEC materials UNFPA – $ 5,000 UNDP – $ 5,000 World Bank – $ 5,000 UNICEF – $ 1,000 European Bureau of UNAIDS plastic awareness cards (about $ 2,500) UNESCO posters (about $ 500) TOTAL BUDGET – USD 97,942 without in kind contribution of MoD Uzbekistan
Development of the education Programme on HIV/AIDS prevention for the military staff Training of Trainers: During two 5-days ToT– 46 people During six 3-daysToT– 136 people (additional to the Project) Development of the methodology: Workshops agenda was developed Handout materials were developed, copied and provided to the participants of the trainings “Methodic recommendations on TOT in the military units” were developed in Russian The Programmes training of cadets on HIV prevention were developed. The “Methodic recommendations for two stages of cadets’ training in higher military institutions and schools on sergeants training on HIV prevention” were developed
Provision with IEC materials The materials were developed, produced and presented to the Ministry of Defense: Manual for trainers “To the servicemen about HIV/AIDS” - - 2,000 copies Educational set consisting of 10 posters Booklet for military staff “Answers to 10 questions on HIV/AIDS” -18,000 copies Pocket calendar with pocket for 1 condom– 25,000 copies Table calendar with information on protected sex– 20,000 copies
Continuation The booklet for military staff and their families was developed and submitted for comments to WHO, Copenhagen 30 copies of book “HIV in prisons” were handed out to the trainers of Tashkent military region (okrug). 120 copies are available in WHO, Uzbekistan. Awareness card on HIV/AIDS for staff of uniformed services was translated into Uzbek copies in Russian were presented to MOD copies in Uzbek will be delivered from Copenhagen. The received poster “Future without AIDS” was developed by UNESCO and presented to the MOD.
Provision with training equipment 7 TVs 7 VCRs 20 flipchart stands 2 screens for multimedia projectors 7 multimedia projectors were procured and transferred to the MOD for storage
Establishment of condom provision system for military staff Condoms provided by UNFPA for USD 10,000 were handed out to the army units according to HIV/AIDS prevalence level and dislocation and army units activity The agreement under the army units requests on place with the management of the Regional AIDS centers on condoms provision was achieved The draft of Order of the Minister of Defense obliging outlets of “ Voentorg” (Military Trade) to have qualitative and cheap condoms on the territories of military camps was prepared.
Introduction of syndromic approach to STI diagnostics and treatment Two 3-days workshops were conducted and 53 army physicians were trained: 18 – military dermato-venereologists of military hospitals 32 – army physicians from army units and divisions 3 – teachers from medical Internship of MOD. The medical drugs for STI treatment for USD 5,500 are being procured. They will be transferred to the Medical department of MOD
Monitoring of KAPB The questionnaire of the KAPB monitoring was developed and copied with quantity 2500 copies The 1 stage of monitoring was conducted for determination of initial level of KAPB on HIV in 2 higher military institutions, 2 schools on sergeants training and 11 army units involving 1100 servicemen of Tashkent and Eastern military okrugs.
Strategy of MOD on HIV/AIDS prevention The Orders of the Minister of Defense were issued: №697 dated on Project implementation №57 dated on putting into action the Sectoral plan on response to HIV/AIDS epidemic (3 hour training is envisaged for preparation of temporally mobilize reserve) №630 dated on putting into action the Program оf preparation and Methodic recommendations on trainings conduction in higher military institutions and schools on sergeants training on HIV prevention 4 directives of the Deputy Minister of MOD on TOT conduction in Tashkent and military okrugs, on Workshops on syndromic approach and on KAPB monitoring were issued Directives and orders of Heads of military okrugs headquarters were issued during the TOT preparation and before KAPB monitoring