Uzbekistan eIFL consortium
84 members 64 universities 6 public libraries Fundamental lıbrary of Academy of Scıence Medical library 13 libraries of ministries and NGOs 30 members use the onlıne versıon Others – CD&DVD versıon
Uzbekistan Library Association Is an independent non-government and non- commercial organization, which aims to support and coordinate its members activity for development of the library sphere and new information technologies in Uzbekistan; Spın-off organızatıon of OSI-Uzbekıstan; Established in 2000; ULA has 13 branch library associations throughout the country.
Financial model eIFL is included in the government subscription program; National Library pays the subscription fee; National Library collects member’s fees from members of consortium during year.
UzREN project NATO + UNDP + OSI-Uzbekistan More than 200 universities, public libraries and NGO have free Internet access; All Uzbekistan regions will be cover by UzREN in 2004; Number of EBSCO onlıne searches ıncreases twıce every 4 months
CURRENT RESOURCES AVAILABLE eIFL Direct (eIFL Direct, eIFL Sci&Tech., eIFL Russian) INASP/PERI by INTAS (Emerald, Oxford University Press, Springer-LINK, Blackwell, SUBITO document delivery service) Informatıon resources of Uzbekıstan Unıon Catalog Consortıum and unıversıtıes
Our activities 2 eIFL training centres (grant of Eurasia foundation) in Tashkent and Kokand (more than 800 people are traıned); Regular workshops and seminars for users and with rectors and ministries participation; Participation in the eIFL Central Asia consortium; “eIFL Central Asia” web page (