Classroom Management SPEC 534 Session #4
Objectives Compare and contrast various theories and research that examine student behaviors and classroom environment; –Comparing models and strategies which address classroom management and school-wide discipline
Are We Thinking Proactively or Reactively? Proactive Reactive Preventative Stop something from occurring Act as a result Driven by circumstan ces Fore planning & thinking Driven by values
Proactive or Reactive Classroom Management? What are some of the examples you have seen that are… –Proactive –Preventative –Reactive? What are the percentages for each? What currently works? What does not work?
For Example… Jaskson has received 30 office referrals. 30 referrals = min =15 hrs =2.5 6 hrs 350 “timeouts” = 7, min = hrs = hrs 5 suspensions =42 hours = 7 6 hrs TOTAL TIME = hrs
Establishing Routines and Procedures What are some general classroom routines and procedures? How will the classroom expectations align with the classroom routines and procedures?
Establishing Classroom Expectations Brainstorm a list of expectations Determine the overarching 3- 5 expectations Determine how these expectations will look in different settings –Teacher –directed –Cooperative learning –Independent seatwork
Classroom Plan ProactiveReactive Environment Physical Setting Social Factors Instructional Environment Teaching Replacement Behaviors Coping Skills Specific Skills Respond Reinforce Positive Behaviors Correct for Non- Compliance Manage
Something to Think About? Should classrooms each have their own rules or should they have the same rules? –Pros –Cons What would be needed in order to develop school-wide discipline?
Homework Safran, S. P. and Oswald, K. Positive behavior supports: can schools reshape disciplinary practices. Exceptional Children, 69, 3, Wolfgang, C. H. (2001) Solving Disciplined Classroom Management Problems: Methods & Models For Today’s Teachers. 5 th Ed., New York: Wiley & Sons, chpt.11.