Coping With Sanctions Helping clients cope with the priorities when benefit is stopped due to Sanctions
adverse sanctions decisions were made across the UK 21% of whom identified themselves as “disabled” Oct – Sept 2014 over the same period 3416 People were sanctioned in Stockton 23% of whom identified themselves as disabled Sanctions occur if claimant fails to meet work seeking or work preparation requirements in relation to their claims e.g. Attending Work focused interviews, Actively seeking work, engaging with Work Programme JSA Sanctions can be cumulative and a claimant can be sanctioned for up to 2 years ESA sanctions can be ongoing until Work Related requirements are complied with Sanctions in Stockton
Top 5 Sanctions tips ALWAYS CHALLENGE DECISIONS 53% of decisions are reviewed, reconsidered or changed on appeal MAKE SURE HOUSING BENEFIT /COUNCIL TAX SUPPORT SECTIONS ARE AWARE OF THE SANCTION A clients claim might be linked with CLAIM HARDSHIP PAYMENTS A claimant may be able to get reduced benefit during the period of sanction GET THE DETAILS STRAIGHT Which of the reasons for sanction are disagreed with and why? Make notes regarding all of the circumstances leading up to the sanction Are there mitigating factors ACT AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE Can the sanction be avoided at the “doubt” stage
STOCKTON WELFARE ADVICE NETWORK If in doubt seek Advice on /