California Transmission Planning Group Collaborative approach to State-wide Transmission Planning
Slide 2 State energy and environmental policy goals drive transmission need Significant enhancements to transmission licensing and cost recovery processes necessary to achieve 33% and 20% Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) Need and timing for additional transmission under a 33% goal is greater, but still need significant transmission investment to meet 20% Need to be proactive concerning grid impact of renewable generation
Slide 3 CTPG formed to address transmission needs across the entire State Formation resulted from ongoing discussions facilitated by FERC Collaboration of transmission operators and transmission owners with obligation to serve consistent with FERC Order 890 Develop annual California transmission plan to address broad needs of transmission for California Identify opportunities for joint transmission development projects Not a development group and does not perform detailed siting or routing
Slide 4 Coordination with RETI and other stakeholder groups essential Stakeholders provide input to study plan to shape transmission expectations and drive planning studies Stakeholder meetings with RETI and public groups Comment periods provided for draft study plan and results