More Trees Please! Adapted from Penn State Cooperative Extension Why and How we should plant more trees.
Why Plant Trees? Why Me?
Where To Plant? 1. Look UP! - Are there overhead utility lines? - How tall can the tree get?
Where To Plant? Look AROUND! - Is there a house, road or sidewalk nearby? - Are there other trees nearby? - How much sunlight does this spot get? - Is there a hose nearby to water the tree?
Where To Plant? 3. Look DOWN! - Are there underground utility lines? - Is there good soil?
What To Plant? (Species Selection) How big? Evergreen or Deciduous? Flowering Tree? Fruit Tree? What shape?
Select Tree Species to Fit Site Function or use Adaptability Soil characteristics Pest susceptibility Maintenance requirements
Desirable Tree Characteristics Strong Straight Trunk Vigorous growth No Split or broken branches Evenly spaced branches No narrow branch angles No wounds Well formed roots, kept moist 1-1/2 Inch Caliper, B&B
Which Tree Would You Choose?
Types of Tree Stock Balled & Burlapped Container Grown Bare Root
Balled and Burlapped Trees Advantages Traditional method No bound roots Over 2” caliper Disadvantages Heavy Limited time for lifting 90%+ roots lost Establishment time May have extra soil over roots
Container Grown Trees Advantages Ease of handling Extends planting time Lightweight soil Many species, sizes available Normally under 2” caliper Disadvantages May distort roots
Bare Root Trees Advantages Reduced weight Less costly Permits full examination of roots Disadvantages Limited planting time Specialized handling Usually wholesale only
How to Plant a Bare Root Tree
Aftercare Water and Mulch!
Re-mulching No “volcano” mulching Replace organic mulch every 1-2 years, 2-3” deep