Nutrition Water Air Sunlight Protection react to What I am
Nutrition Page To make learning easier You have to eat food like fruit, vegies, cereal, pasta & bread. Foods like lollies & ice cream will make it difficult to learn.
Water Page We can get water from many places including fountains around the School. We store our drink bottles on top of our tot trays. Roughly 70 percent of an adult’s body is made up of water. At birth,water accounts for approximately 80 present of an infant body weight. A healthy person can drink about three gallons (48 cups) of water per day Water intoxication is most likely to occur during periods of intense athletic performance. Soft drinks, coffee, and tea, while made up almost entirely of water, also contain caffeine. Caffeine can act as a mild diuretic, preventing water from travelling to necessary locations in the body
Air Page How we breathe We breathe in oxygen & breathe out carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is what trees breathe in to help them make sugar.
Sunlight/Play Page Activities I do outside... Swimming Netball Soccer Touch High jump Long jump Running Trampoline
Protection Page NameRole Mum Hugs me. Buys & cooks food for me. Drives me everywhere Dad Earns money for us. Loves me. Takes care of me. DanielTakes care of me when we walk to & from School. Miss GillinghamHelps me learn in a safe way.
React to what’s around me If someone comes up to you & speaks to you should reply if it is something rude or mean then you should walk away. If you were on the mat or doing a test just ignore them. I would end up probably reply. Ways to support others… By being quiet By not being negative By giving them helpful suggestions. By being a role model.
What am I good at I am word smart. Word smart is when You are good at… Reading & writing. I like doing jigsaw puzzles & writing poems & stories for others to read.The programs That I like to Watch are home & away & the Simpsons There other smarts like... Music Body Number Sun Smart. I also have two second smarts. They are group smart & self smart.