Jupiter By Brynn
Do you have schema about Jupiter? Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun Did you know that Jupiter has 67 moons! The # of rings is 4
Can this planet support life? Well did you know that Jupiter cannot support life it is to cold and we would die because there isn’t enough air either
Jupiter is an outer planet planet exploration they sent out 10 space crafts in 1973 WOW that’s interesting
Length of a day The time to rotate once is 10 hours the length of a year is twelve years to revolve example of the 12 years
where did its name come from? Jupiter was the roman god king what is the planet made of? % hydrogen 10% helium us+ Jupiter=
fun facts.there are colorful clouds filled with dangerous poisonous gases.Jupiter is the 4 th brightest thing in our solar system.Jupiter is over
answer to the question 1 The answer to question one is………………….90% hydrogen 10% helium
answer to question two Jupiter is the roman king of all gods
answer to question three The answer to question three is…………….above 230 degrees ft Under 108 degrees c
answer to question four The # of moons is 67
The answer to question 5 is 4
thanks for listening! I hope you enjoyed and have a good day!