One-Stop Access 30-Second Training Series & Resource Guide Presented by NDI Consulting, Inc. June 15 th & 17 th
Host/Presenters Laura Gleneck, Host Project Director, NDI Consulting Inc. Miranda Kennedy, Presenter Training Coordinator, NDI Consulting Inc. Kevin Nickerson, Presenter Disability Program Navigator & Community Work Incentive Coordinator for Tompkins Workforce in Ithaca, New York. 2
Objectives Review resources developed for Disability Program Navigators to utilize with their One-Stop staff and partners to introduce and/or reinforce information on access issues experienced by job seekers with disabilities entering the One-Stop Career Center. Share examples of local level promising practices for addressing access barriers experienced by job seekers with disabilities and achieving successful employment outcomes. 3
Agenda for 30-Second One-Stop Access Training 1. What is a 30-Second Training? Questions in the One-Stop Access 30-Second Training Series. 3. INTERACTIVE: Participants take 30-Second Trainings. 4. Strategies for utilizing One-Stop Access 30-Second Trainings with staff and partners, etc… 5. Instructions for downloading these trainings. 4
What is a 30-Second Training? A 30-Second Training is a quick, educational Power Point Slide show (PPS) that is electronically sent out via listserv or used to augment a more formal presentation or training. Trainings can be completed in a very short amount of time hence, 30-Second Trainings. These trainings increase knowledge and awareness around disability and employment topics – in this case “Access Issues”. A link on the last slide provides a more in-depth resource for those who are interested in furthering their knowledge and expertise on the topic. 5
The 10 One-Stop Access Series Questions 1. “Disability” – What does it mean in the context of the One-Stop? 2. What does “Universal Accessibility” mean for people with disabilities in the One- Stop? 3. What physical barriers might people with disabilities experience accessing the One- Stop? 4. What programmatic barriers might people with disabilities face at the One-Stop? 5. What communication barriers might people with disabilities face at the One-Stop? 6. Whose job is it to serve people with disabilities in the One-Stop? 7. What should you focus on when serving or working with a One-Stop Customer who has a disability? 8. How should you refer to a customer with a disability when talking to a colleague? 9. What is the best way to define “job readiness” for individuals (with & without disability) accessing the One-Stop and its partners? 10. Where can you find a self-paced web-course for One-Stop staff interested in discovering best practices for working with customers who have disabilities? 6
It’s time for a 30-Second Training Raise your hand - by clicking on the “hand” icon on the right hand toolbar - to choose and take one of the 30-Second Trainings. Remember: – Even the wrong answers tend to include helpful information, and they are worth checking out. – This isn’t a “test” – these are meant to be fun and informative. 7
Strategies for Utilizing 30-Second Trainings As Stand-Alone Trainings via staff & partner listservs – We recommend sending them out on Friday. As an attachment to training event and presentation invitations and notifications – This can give a taste/teaser for information that will be covered in the presentation/training. As an ice-breaker for training events & presentations As fun “breaks” throughout trainings/presentations As follow-up to trainings/presentations to reinforce information 8
Instructions for Accessing the 30- Second Employer Training Series To download the One-Stop Access 30- Second Training Series go to: The One-Stop Access 30-Second Trainings are available in both PowerPoint Show and html format – *Note: the html format is accessible for individuals who use screen-reading software. 9
Agenda for One-Stop Access Resource Guide 1. Why have a One-Stop Access Resource Guide? 2. Review General Resource Guide. 3. Identify ways the guide can be modified for a more targeted focus on regional, state, and local resources useful to your state or Local Workforce Investment Area (LWIA). 4. Identify ways in which the guide can be used. 5. Instructions to access the One-Stop Access Resource Guide. 10
Why have a One-Stop Access Resource Guide? To capture all of the information provided in the links from those final “Correct” answers on the 30-Second One-Stop Access Trainings in a single document – as a “Take Away”. To increase staff and partners awareness – at a glance – of the wide variety of resources available to support them in providing employment services to individuals with disabilities. *NOTE: Some of you may already have a guide for your staff and partners– feel free to include resources from this guide in your existing guide. 11
Review One-Stop Access Resource Guide Go to One-Stop Access Resource Guide – Available as a Word document and a pdf. 12
Ways to modify the guide… Include your own logos Add state/local resources Modify the following sections: – Include specific info on your Regional ADA Center – Include specific info on your One-Stop Career Center(s) – Include specific info on your state/local Vocational Rehabilitation – Include any other state or local disability resources 13
Ways to use the guide.. Include electronic version of the modified guide as a resource for staff and partners on your intranet (if you have one). Provide to new staff and partners with this information as part of your orientation packet. Provide pdf version as a “Desktop Resource” and take-away for your trainings and presentations that include partners. 14
Instructions for Accessing the Guide To download the One-Stop Access Resource Guide: The general guide is available in PDF format A version that can be modified (e.g. to include local level info & logos) is also available in Word format. 15
Discussion / Q&A Additional suggestions & strategies for disseminating information to staff and partners… Comments on materials (Guide & 30-Second Trainings) Sharing local promising practices for addressing access barriers experienced by job seekers with disabilities and achieving successful employment outcomes. 16
Contact Information Laura Gleneck (781) Miranda Kennedy Kevin Nickerson (607) x