P: F: West Main Street, New York, NY | GUIDE FOR DEVELOPING AND IMPLEMENTING CHILD WELFARE PRACTICE MODELS Jan McCarthy, MSW Published by National Child Welfare Resource Center for Organizational Improvement (NRCOI), Oct., 2012 Phone: PO Box 9300, 34 Bedford Street, Portland, ME |
P: F: West Main Street, New York, NY | The Practice Model Guide: Offers a framework for developing, implementing and/or strengthening a family centered practice model Cites specific examples from the field and Provides additional information to help child welfare agencies and their partners make informed choices in selecting approaches to this important work 2
P: F: West Main Street, New York, NY | Section 1: Developing a Practice Model Section 2: Implementing a Practice Model INTRODUCTION: Purpose and Definition (pg 1-2) TWO SECTIONS: Practice Models are the basic principles and approaches that guide an agency’s work 3
P: F: West Main Street, New York, NY | Section 1: DEVELOPING A PRACTICE MODEL (pg 3) COMMON PRACTICE MODEL ELEMENTS Vision Values and principles Worksheet: Articulating Practice Model Principles (pg 55) Determining outcomes and measuring performance Core intervention components (skills) 4
P: F: West Main Street, New York, NY | CORE INTERVENTION COMPONENTS (SKILLS) AND OUTCOMES Worksheet: Identifying Frontline Practice Skills (pg 5) 5
P: F: West Main Street, New York, NY | Section 1: DEVELOPING A PRACTICE MODEL (continued) Designing a Culturally Responsive and Inclusive Practice Model (pg 14) o Specific strategies that can be used at the Practice Level Organizational Level Managing Parallel Processes (pg 16) 6
P: F: West Main Street, New York, NY | Section 2: IMPLEMENTING A PRACTICE MODEL (pg 17) Implementation Definition Introduces Implementation Framework o Implementation Stages o Implementation Drivers 7
P: F: West Main Street, New York, NY | Implementation Stages (pg 19) 8
P: F: West Main Street, New York, NY | Implementation Stages: EXPLORATION (pg 19) Planning Processes (pg 20) o The role of leadership o Assessing agency readiness (worksheet, pg 63) o Organizational readiness o Individual readiness o Creating readiness o Involving stakeholders in designing the practice model Structures for planning and implementation (pg 25) o Core leadership teams o Workgroups o Communication systems 9
P: F: West Main Street, New York, NY | Implementation Stages (continued) PROGRAM DESIGN (INSTALLATION) (pg 29) Key activities (implementation drivers) INITIAL IMPLEMENTATION (pg 30) Sequencing implementation FULL IMPLEMENTATION (pg 32) Key activities as practice model is integrated into daily practice 10
P: F: West Main Street, New York, NY | iImplementation Drivers (pg 33) 11
P: F: West Main Street, New York, NY | The remainder of the Guide… Conclusion (pg 52) Resources (pg 55) o Worksheets o Additional state examples o Links and Organizations for Ongoing Support 12
P: F: West Main Street, New York, NY | Discussion….. What rings true about the processes described in the Guide and what doesn’t? Specific examples of hurdles you have overcome, or are currently working on. Ideas for keeping the Practice Model Peer Network examples current and up to date? 13
P: F: West Main Street, New York, NY | Phone: PO Box 9300, 34 Bedford Street Portland, ME | Contact Information Download the Guide here: For more information or to request hard copies, contact Anne Comstock, 14