ENSEMBLES RT4/RT5 Joint Meeting Paris, February 2005 Overview of the WP5.3 Activities Partners: ECMWF, METO/HC, MeteoSchweiz, KNMI, IfM, CNRM, UREAD/CGAM, CNRS/IPSL, BMRC, CERFACS
ENSEMBLES RT4/RT5 Joint Meeting Paris, February 2005 Forecast quality assessment Forecast quality assessment is a basic component of the prediction process Information about the quality and the uncertainty of the predictions is as important as the prediction itself
ENSEMBLES RT4/RT5 Joint Meeting Paris, February 2005 WP5.3 activities WP5.3: Assessment of s2d forecast quality Target “assessment of the actual and potential skill of the models and the different versions of the multi-model ensemble system“ Main tasks during the first 18 months: Assessment of the actual and potential skill of the different ensemble prediction systems and sensitivity experiments, including a comparison with reference models (link WP4.4). Estimate useful skill for end users in seasonal-to-decadal hindcasts to assess their potential economic value (link WP5.5). Develop web-based verification technology (link WP2A.4). Assessment of the skill in predicting rare events (link WP4.3 and WP5.4). Other links: RT1, RT2A
ENSEMBLES RT4/RT5 Joint Meeting Paris, February 2005 WP5.3 activities WP5.3: Assessment of s2d forecast quality First 18 month deliverables: 5.3 (UREAD/CGAM): Optimal statistical methods for combining multi- model simulations to make probabilistic forecasts of rare extreme events 5.4 (UREAD/CGAM): Best methods for verifying probability forecasts of rare events 5.7 (ECMWF): Skill of seasonal NAO and PNA using multi-model seasonal integrations from DEMETER First 18 month milestone: M5.2 (KNMI): Prototype of an automatic system for forecast quality assessment of seasonal-to-decadal hindcasts First 18 month activity: ECMWF (3), MeteoSchweiz (1), UREAD/CGAM (0), CNRS/IPSL (6), KNMI (0), METO/HC(0)
ENSEMBLES RT4/RT5 Joint Meeting Paris, February 2005 WP5.3 action plan WP5.3: Assessment of s2d forecast quality Two different types of verification activities: Automatic quality control Research on verification Research verification requires efficient data dissemination: MARS, public server at ECMWF Climate explorer Need of a probabilistic model before doing probabilistic verification Broad range of research studies, in close link with validation work in RT4 and RT5 Verification based on the end-to-end approach
ENSEMBLES RT4/RT5 Joint Meeting Paris, February 2005 Three-tier verification Forecast quality needs to be assessed thoroughly also for end-user predictions, but there is no direct relationship between forecast quality and usefulness. Use end-to-end approach: end-users develop prediction models taking into account prediction limitations. Forecast reliability becomes a major issue. A three tier scheme can then be considered: Tier 1: single meteorological variables are assessed against a reference prediction (climatology, persistence, …) Tier 2: application model hindcasts driven by weather / climate predictions are assessed against an application model reference (e.g., driven by ERA-40); no reference to real world application Tier 3: as in tier 2, but the application model hindcasts are assessed against observed data
ENSEMBLES RT4/RT5 Joint Meeting Paris, February 2005 Automatic quality control Most of the s2d simulations run at ECMWF and have a common output Need checking asap the quality (units, missing files, wrong data…) of the hindcasts produced Verification suite running periodically with graphical output made available on the web
ENSEMBLES RT4/RT5 Joint Meeting Paris, February 2005 KNMI Climate Explorer An OPenDAP server allows the Climate Explorer to automatically access the ENSEMBLES data with no local copy of the whole data set. The Climate Explorer performs correlations, basic probabilistic estimates, EOFs, plotting, etc. The capabilities of the Climate Explorer will be expanded to allow for more tier-1 skill measures, including verification of probability forecasts and rare events (end 2006).
ENSEMBLES RT4/RT5 Joint Meeting Paris, February 2005 Climate explorer T2m point correlation for DEMETER 1-month lead multi-model seasonal hindcasts ( ) From G. J. van Oldenborgh, KNMI
ENSEMBLES RT4/RT5 Joint Meeting Paris, February 2005 Tier-1 verification Example: MeteoSwiss will work on the de-biased ranked probability skill score RPSS d Conventional probabilistic skill scores based on the Brier score have a negative bias due to a finite ensemble size How to compare forecasts from systems with low or even different ensemble sizes? From M. Liniger, MeteoSwiss RPSS for unskilled (wrt climatology) forecasts Müller, Appenzeller, Doblas-Reyes and Liniger, J. Clim., in press
ENSEMBLES RT4/RT5 Joint Meeting Paris, February 2005 Tier-1 verification Example: CNRS/IPSL will develop a tool based on the “local mode analysis” to test the skill of the ISO in seasonal predictions (beg. 2006) From J.-Ph. Duvel, CNRS/IPSL Start 1 st Nov (MJO) Start 1 st May (monsoon breaks) Inter-annual correlation between simulated and observed OLR intraseasonal variance (90 day time section, 1 correlation every 5 days, 22 years) over the tropical Indian Ocean
ENSEMBLES RT4/RT5 Joint Meeting Paris, February 2005 France Germany Denmark Greece Tier-3 verification From P. Cantelaube and J.-M. Terres, JRC SIMULATIONWEIGHTED YIELD ERROR (%) ± STANDARD ERROR JRC February7.1 ± 0.9 JRC April7.7 ± 0.5 JRC June7.0 ± 0.6 JRC August5.4 ± 0.5 DEMETER (Feb. start) 6.0 ± 0.4 DEMETER multi-model predictions (7 models, 63 members, Feb starts) of average wheat yield for four European countries (box-and-whiskers) compared to Eurostat official yields (black horizontal lines) and crop results from a simulation forced with downscaled ERA40 data (red dots).
ENSEMBLES RT4/RT5 Joint Meeting Paris, February 2005 Questions?
ENSEMBLES RT4/RT5 Joint Meeting Paris, February 2005 A service that offers immediate and free access to data from: DEMETER ERA-40 ERA-15 ENACT with monthly and daily data, select area and plotting facilities, GRIB or NetCDF formats Data dissemination Different depending on access granted to ECMWF systems: access: MARS no access: public data server and OPenDAP (DODS) server