the OAI: overview and historical context OAI Open Meeting – Washington DC – January 23 rd 2001 Herbert Van de Sompel & Carl Lagoze Cornell University -- Computer Science
herbert van de sompel The Open Archives Initiative has been set up to create a forum to discuss and solve matters of interoperability between preprint solutions, as a way to promote their global acceptance. Paul Ginsparg, Rick Luce & Herbert Van de Sompel OAI origin herbert van de sompel
preprint solutions herbert van de sompel attractive building block in ongoing transformation of scholarly communication interoperability could increase impact of preprints: amongst preprint solutions with building blocks that implement other functions of scholarly communication with the established communication system
e-print e-print accessibility e-print herbert van de sompel e-print
e-print accessibility e-print herbert van de sompel e-print
preprint solutions herbert van de sompel Santa Fe meeting: improve accessibility of preprints by improving searchability via the provision of an interoperability spec
Core concepts of Santa Fe convention herbert van de sompel low-barrier interoperability data-provider & service-provider model metadata harvesting model shared metadata format and parallel, community- specific metadata formats acceptable use Dienst subset OAMS XML reply HTTP based Gentelmen’s agreement
metadata harvesting herbert van de sompel metadata e-print
metadata harvesting herbert van de sompel metadata Author Title Abstract Identifer e-print
interest from other communities herbert van de sompel Digital Library Federation meetings ~ research library community has many materials for which they would like to ‘expose’ metadata OAI San Antonio meeting: ~ interest from librarians, publishers, others,...
resulting actions: organizational herbert van de sompel establish organizational stability for the OAI: institutional backing from CNI & DLF steering committee: policy guidance technical committee: technical specifications executive group: day to day coordination workshops: public dissemination, feedback
resulting actions: technical herbert van de sompel [09/2000] revise specifications to allow adoption beyond preprints: technical committee [09/ /2001]compile new specifications: editing by Carl and Herbert [11/ /2001] alpha-test specifications: oai- alpha group [01/2001] discontinue the Santa Fe Convention [01/2001] release version 1.0 of the OAI protocol
core concepts in OAI 1.0 herbert van de sompel low-barrier interoperability data-provider & service-provider model metadata harvesting model shared metadata format and parallel, community- specific metadata formats acceptable use flexibility OAI 1.0 protocol Dublin Core HTTP based Community specific Reply XML Schema Self contained
low-barrier interop umbrella herbert van de sompel metadata OPACimageFTXTA&Ie-print
low-barrier interop umbrella herbert van de sompel metadata OPACimageFTXTA&Ie-print Author Title Abstract Identifer
communication re OAI herbert van de sompel lists: subscribe via oai-general list [replaces UPS list; UPS- subscribers will be moved] oai-implementers list web: FAQ: mail:
freeze specifications for months: stable for experimentation; not definitive minimize risk for early adopters maximize chances for future interoperability across communities revision of specifications herbert van de sompel
The Open Archives Initiative develops and promotes interoperability standards that aim to facilitate the efficient dissemination of content. new OAI mission statement herbert van de sompel
The Open Archives Initiative has its roots in an effort to enhance access to e-print archives as a means of increasing the availability of scholarly communication. Continued support of this work remains a cornerstone of the Open Archives program. new OAI mission statement herbert van de sompel
The fundamental technological framework and standards that are developing to support this work are, however, independent of the both the type of content offered and the economic mechanisms surrounding that content, and promise to have much broader relevance in opening up access to a range of digital materials. [...] new OAI mission statement herbert van de sompel