DEPARTMENT: AGRICULTURE Multiple use approaches to water AT van Coller Pr. Eng. Senior Manager: Water Use and Irrigation Development Department of Agriculture
DEPARTMENT: AGRICULTURE Big Picture Internal (on-site) Cost of practices Capacity to implement Energy requirements Benefits derived from practices External (off-site) Infrastructure requirements Advisory support services Research and development Market and business development Access to financial support Access to knowledge and information
DEPARTMENT: AGRICULTURE Impacts of multiple use Balancing act Impact on environment Impact of food insecurity Impact on downstream users Spatial distribution between availability and abstraction Sector mandates Increased grey areas Good guys vs Bad guys Project implementation Planning not inclusive Partial plans for own benefit
DEPARTMENT: AGRICULTURE Stepped approach for agricultural production Learn basic agricultural production practices (Food plot- household) Improve soil profile for increase soil moisture retention Harvest grey water Collect water from roof Collect runoff water from own yard Community garden development Small farmer production for local market Commercial production
DEPARTMENT: AGRICULTURE Infrastructure choices Cost of installation Cost of operation and maintenance Economic benefits derived Socio economic benefits Environmental impacts Funding requirements Sustainability