Parkside M.S. Announcements Thursday September 4, 2014 White Day
ATHLETICS! In order to try out you must have turned in a physical and concussion training certificate to Mrs.Harigan in room 900 before this afternoon. Posted in the cafeteria is a list of students who are eligible to try-out. At lunch today check the list. If you do not see your name DO NOT stay after school for try-outs!!!! If you stay after and you have not turned in something you will not be allowed to try-out any of the remaining days!!!! If you have a form to turn in, bring it to Mrs. Harigan in room 900 during your lunch!! DO NOT wait until after school at check- in to turn in your paperwork!!!
ATHLETICS! At the end of the day you will be dismissed after all the bus lanes to the cafeteria. You can either ride an activity bus home or have your parents pick you up in the front of the school at the end of try-outs. Any student’s whose ride is not here by 4:25 will be put on an activity bus.
Try-outs for boys soccer, football, girls track, and volleyball are: Today, Sept. 4 th from 3-4:15 Friday, Sept. 5 th from 3:00- 4:15 Monday, Sept. 8 th from 3:00- 5:15
Bus Lane C
Bus Lane B
Bus Lane A