Year 5/6 PACT Meeting Welcome Everyone! Mr James Mrs Sumner Mrs Pass
New Organisation Recap There are now 3 Parallel Year 5/6 classes Mr James and Mrs Walker Mrs Pass and Mrs Batty Mrs Sumner and Mrs Allen Children in all classes will follow the same curriculum
New Start For the first part of this term we will be working at making sure the new classes ‘gel’ and new friendships are formed from the other year group. Children within classes will not necessarily be split or grouped according to year groups. Curriculum maps demonstrate how the content of the curriculum has been designed to ensure progression and no overlap or repeating.
Helping Us Morning tasks – please encourage children to come in to the classroom by themselves, on time and complete the morning task. PE kits – Please can children have their PE kits in all week to make the most of opportunities to go outside. If any parents are able to spare an hour in the afternoon to listen to children read please see one of us.
Lunchtimes Increase in number of children having hot meals has put extra pressure on kitchen staff. All school lunches need to be ordered by Thursday of the previous week. No orders can be accepted after this time. Children who forget their packed lunch will need it brought in for them. Lunchtime clubs / activity
Timetable – Literacy and Numeracy Literacy and Numeracy taught every morning Children are taught in their year groups –x2 Year 6 groups of about 22 –x2 Year 5 groups 0f about 22
Timetable – Literacy and Numeracy Literacy Teachers –Year 5 – Mr James and Mrs Kimber –Year 6 – Mrs Sumner and Mrs Pass Numeracy Teachers –Year 5 – Mrs Sumner and Mrs Pass –Year 6 – Mr James and Mrs Carroll All children will have at least 2 different teachers
Timetable - Afternoons Children will be taught in their classes in the afternoon All children, in all classes, are covering the same topics in the same term. 2 PE Sessions a week – see timetables –Could children have PE kit in school at all times in case of timetable changes –Colder weather please make sure children have appropriate clothing
Please encourage reading 15 min a night at least 5 times a week and sign the Reading Record. In addition to regular reading, children will also be set up to 2 pieces of homework per week (English, Maths or Topic) and spelling homework from their group. Homework Club is available for children who find it hard to find time at home or for children who do not complete their homework. As in previous years, we will be using various online platforms for homeworks. (EducationCity, BugClub, RM Easimaths, and Active Learn) Please come and see us if there are any concerns about homework. Homework
Classroom Routines House Points Good to be Green Board Star of the Day / Star of the Week / Table of week / Learner of the Lesson
Other Bits SAT’s – There will be a meeting in Term 2. Trips –Treginnis –STEAM WWII Day Bike it Breakfast after half term House captains / school council