European Transport Workers’ Federation Objectives and state of play Riga, September 2011
2/ European Transport Workers’ Federation Transport Trade Unions Preparing Change To contribute to a more sustainable transport sector To attract more women workers to the trade unions and the sector To attract more young workers to the trade unions and the sector Transunion objectives
3/ European Transport Workers’ Federation Transunion state of play External expert drafted discussion document on transport & climate change o The size of the problem o The jobs we need o The details, sector by sector o Protecting existing jobs o Conventional solutions o What do we do next? To contribute to a more sustainable transport sector
4/ European Transport Workers’ Federation Transunion state of play Debated in ETF sections Development of an ETF position paper Transunion Climate Change conference (3 November 2011, Brussels) To contribute to a more sustainable transport sector
5/ European Transport Workers’ Federation Collection of all existing relevant training materials on women workers Development of a training package for trade unions to encourage women wokers o to work in the transport sector o to participate in trade union leadership Transunion state of play
6/ European Transport Workers’ Federation Training modules: Women in leadership & confidence building / empowerment Women in collective bargaining & work- life balance Equal pay, fair pay, pension rights, decent work & minimum wage Transunion state of play
7/ European Transport Workers’ Federation Testing of modules in two seminars o May in Budapest o 7-8 July in Zagreb Further discussion in Transunion Women Workers Conference (5-6 October 2011) Transunion state of play
8/ European Transport Workers’ Federation Drafting of a picture of the current situation of young workers via the online survey Identification of the key issues and challenges of young workers Brainstorm on possible actions to attract more young workers to the sector and the trade unions European Sectoral Social Dialogue recommendations from the young workers’ point of view Development an ETF Young Transport Workers network Setting targets for trade unions and the ETF Transunion state of play
9/ European Transport Workers’ Federation Social Dialogue Conference January 2012 Presents the outcome of the three Transunion pillars Confronted with the employers’ views Outcome will feed into the discussion in ETF Congress 2013 Transunion state of play
10/ European Transport Workers’ Federation Thank you