OTHER DRUG USE IN SCHOOL-AGED CHILDREN By: Amanda Gilmour Martha Harasymowicz Joel Fisher Sec. 9
Introduction Drug use continues to be a major health issue for school-aged children. This has typically been thought of as a “High School” issue, but that is no longer the case. Children as young as nine years of age have been experimenting with drugs. We have a serious responsibility as teachers to inform ourselves and our students about the issue.
Drug use results in: Decreased attention span, Changes to eating/sleeping habits, Disorganization, unfinished homework, Aggressive/ disruptive behaviour, Problematic social relationships (family, friends & school).
As teachers we must be aware of the factors that lead to student drug use. Primarily Socio-Economic Reasons –Dissatisfaction with Schooling/Academic Stress –The influence of the Mass Media –Peer Pressure –Disruption of traditional families –Increased availability (of some drugs such as: Marijuana/Cocaine)
Classification of drugs: Stimulants (uppers) –Cocaine, Ephedrine (pseudo), Crystal Meth (Methamphetamines), Pharmaceuticals (ADHD meds etc.) –May include Inhalants such as; Glue, Paint, Aerosols, Household Chemicals Depressants (downers) –Pharmaceuticals (sleeping pills, etc.) –Alcohol, Marijuana,- Will be covered elsewhere Hallucinogens –LSD, ‘Magic Mushrooms’ or ‘Shrooms’
Curriculum expectation We have decided to divide these curriculum expectations according to their subject matter for increased clarity. Health Curriculum Relevant Curriculum issues: Relation of Active Living to a healthy body image Age appropriate matters related to sexuality Apply living skills to deal with peer pressure related to substance use and abuse Expectations: Examine effect of drugs on body image and active living Explain inter-relations between sexuality and drug use Outline a variety of issues related to substance use and abuse Identify and categorize drugs as Stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens Outline decision making skills Demonstrate strategies to counter the pressure to use drugs
Mathematics Curriculum Relevant Curriculum issues: Number Sense and Numeration (represent, compare, and order numbers, demonstrate understanding of proportional relationships such as ratios and percentages) Patterning and Algebra (use graphs, concrete materials to represent linear growing patterns and model real life linear relationships) Data Management and Probability (collect and organize categorical data (primary), make and evaluate convincing arguments using data)
Substance use of 1-2 times and 40+ times
Substance use of 3-5 times and times
Questions In your own opinion, what factors lead to the usage differences between the genders? What are Medical drugs? Why is it one of the most abused drugs? For the following drugs from all the charts, take the percentage and put it into the form of a fraction (lowest denominator) and in decimal form –Ecstasy –Amphetamines –Medical drugs to get high –Glue/solvent sniffing