Press F11 to enlarge your screen. If you have not already, please quickly look over the Baby Kim Case Study and the Unit 4 Project Template in preparation for seminar tonight. When asking a question during seminar, please type ?, and wait for me to call on you (so I will not miss your question – please be patient). HN144: Human Behavior and the Social Environment Instructor: Dr. Lisa Belfield INFANCY
According to: Federal legislation provides a foundation for States by identifying a minimum set of acts or behaviors that define child abuse and neglect. The Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) (42 U.S.C.A. §5106g), as amended by the Keeping Children and Families Safe Act of 2003, defines child abuse and neglect as, at minimum: Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation; or An act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm. This definition of child abuse and neglect refers specifically to parents and other caregivers. A "child" under this definition generally means a person who is under the age of 18 or who is not an emancipated minor.
What are some risk factors associated with child abuse and neglect?
The Baby Kim Project is due at the end of Unit 4 and must be submitted to the dropbox by Tuesday, August 28 th, 11:59pm ET. There are 4 documents posted in DocSharing that you will need for this assignment: The Baby Kim Case Study Unit 4 Project Template Unit 4 Project FORMAT EXAMPLE Unit 4 Project Article
Born premature. Tested positive for crystal meth. At 4 months – failure to thrive. Parents – drug problem. CPS visit – home clean and organized, other children (ages 4 & 7) happy. Conditions – both parents tested over 2 week period; place 4 yr old in daycare; mother attend recovering addicts group. Mother refused to put son in daycare. All 3 children removed from home (2 sons and Baby Kim). Boys returned after 3 days; Kim put in foster care.
What are some of the personal biases and prejudices that a human service professional would have to set aside to assist this family?
National Institute on Drug Abuse National Institute on Drug Abuse National Organization for Human Services National Organization for Human Services Uncovering the secrets of the drug endangered child. (2008) Retrieved from
What ethical standards relate directly to the Baby Kim Case Study?
“Human service professionals respect the integrity and welfare of the client at all times. Each client is treated with respect, acceptance and dignity”. ( “Human service professionals negotiate with clients the purpose, goals, and nature of the helping relationship prior to its onset as well as inform clients of the limitations of the proposed relationship”.
( “Human service professionals protect the client's right to privacy and confidentiality except when such confidentiality would cause harm to the client or others, when agency guidelines state otherwise, or under other stated conditions (e.g., local, state, or federal laws). Professionals inform clients of the limits of confidentiality prior to the onset of the helping relationship.
( “If it is suspected that danger or harm may occur to the client or to others as a result of a client's behavior, the human service professional acts in an appropriate and professional manner to protect the safety of those individuals. This may involve seeking consultation, supervision, and/or breaking the confidentiality of the relationship”.
( “Human service professionals protect the integrity, safety, and security of client records. All written client information that is shared with other professionals, except in the course of professional supervision, must have the client's prior written consent”.
( “Human service professionals are aware that in their relationships with clients power and status are unequal. Therefore they recognize that dual or multiple relationships may increase the risk of harm to, or exploitation of, clients, and may impair their professional judgment. However, in some communities and situations it may not be feasible to avoid social or other nonprofessional contact with clients. Human service professionals support the trust implicit in the helping relationship by avoiding dual relationships that may impair professional judgment, increase the risk of harm to clients or lead to exploitation”.
( “Sexual relationships with current clients are not considered to be in the best interest of the client and are prohibited. Sexual relationships with previous clients are considered dual relationships and are addressed in STATEMENT 6”.
( “ The client's right to self-determination is protected by human service professionals. They recognize the client's right to receive or refuse services”. “Human service professionals recognize and build on client strengths”.
Which of the 9 statements might be challenging for a human services professional working with Baby Kim’s family? Why?
How would you adhere to statement #2 and make sure that you were treating the family with respect, acceptance and dignity? If you were uncomfortable with their choices or what was happening in the family, would you express your feelings? Why or why not?
What specific actions would you suggest to assist this family?
A critical thinker: › raises vital questions and problems, formulating them clearly and precisely; › gathers and assesses relevant information, uses abstract ideas to interpret the information and effectively comes to well-reasoned conclusions and solutions; Based on what you learned, why do you think the children were placed in foster care? What information from your readings support or contradicts this decision?
Do you think social services should work to keep Kim’s family together? Based on your readings, explain why or why not.
Example response to question #6: › I think the children were placed in foster care because although there were no visible signs of current drug use, emotional wounds that result from drug homes can be invisible (Drug Endangered Child Training Network, 2008). Example – response to question #6: › I do think that social services should work to keep Kim’s family together because………… › According to the National Organization of Human Services, the mission of Child and Family Welfare Services is to…….. Yes or No is not an answer and one sentence does not make a paragraph
Put your name on your document. Save your document with your name. › Example: yourlastname_HN144_BabyKim Use Times New Roman 12 point font and double spacing for ALL papers. You are writing an essay, your sentences should be complete sentences and should fully answer the questions. Your responses should consist of paragraphs - one sentence does not make a paragraph. Summarize concepts and theories that you have learned in the text, articles, or other resources – you are not cutting and pasting chunks of information – you are using your own words, paraphrasing and/or quoting information.
Unit 4 begins on Wednesday. Do not wait until the last minute to submit your project to the dropbox (save a copy of your paper). Do not continue the semester with excuses and late work, you can do it – it takes motivation and discipline. Remind yourself why you are in college (not high school), knock it out this week and JUST DO IT!