Gender and Access to Justice Gender and the Law, November 17th-18th 2011, St Lucia Mary Stacey
Barriers to justice Difficulties with proof and evidence Burden of proof in discrimination claims Statutory questionnaire procedure The drawing of inferences Right to privacy v. public hearings and a transparent judicial process
Sexual offences and criminal justice Under reporting of sexual offences Difficulties with police investigation and prosecution Effective case management Special measures at trial Particular problems: consent and alcohol
The role of the judiciary Equal Treatment Advisory Committee Judicial training in equality and diversity Perception of court users: parties, witnesses, public, press & advocates Impact on proceedings
Particular problems of equal pay Enduring pay gap between men and women Job evaluation systems Evolving workplaces and roles Cost of litigation Length of proceedings Cost of settlement
Public sector equality duty (1) Why To build consideration of equality into public sector decision-making at every level Who Duty applies to public authorities and private bodies exercising public functions What Have regard to eliminating discrimination, harassment and victimisation Advance equality of opportunity between men and women Foster good relations between men and women
Public sector equality duty (2) Before any policy adopted or decision made Continues thereafter Timing Development of policy and broad practice Particular decisions in individual cases Scope Conscientiousness Rigour Open mind Approach Equality impact assessment Data collection Action plan Specific duties
Public sector equality duty (3) “An important reason why the laws of discrimination have moved from derision, to acceptance, to respect over the last three decades has been the recognition of the importance not only of respecting rights but also of doing so visibly and clearly by recording the fact.” R (Chavda) v Harrow LBC [2007] EWHC3064 (admin)