Getting the Guidelines to Consumers
Motivating Businesses to Follow the Guidelines Raise consumer awareness Increase demand for the Guidelines as a screening tool
Finding a Weight Loss Program that Works for You
Questions to Ask What’s involved in following the program? What are the staff qualifications? What are the risks of using the product or service? What are all the costs of this program? How can I improve my chances for keeping the weight off? How successful are other people who follow this program?
Checklist for Evaluating Weight Loss Products and Services Is there an initial evaluation? What type of health professional will supervise the participant? What is the caloric intake and monitoring process? What is the timeline for monitoring progress? What are the specific plan details (i.e., food, physical activity, support)? What are the risks? What are the costs?
Being Overweight: A Risky Business Learn how to rate the risk of overweight using: Weight Body Mass Index (BMI) Waist Circumference
Personal Health Profile Evaluation Checklist Weight Height BMI Waist Circumference This profile can be completed with a primary care provider to determine: Blood Pressure Cholesterol (total, HDL, LDL, triglycerides) Blood Sugar
Ordering Information International Food Information Council Foundation
Consumer Information Center PUEBLO
Partnership for Healthy Weight Management
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