Chemical substances from food Body uses to function properly
1. Body digests food 2. Bloodstream absorbs nutrients 3. Bloodstream carries nutrients to cells Cells use nutrients to maintain and regulate body processes and to promote growth
Nutrition—the science of how nutrients support the body Nutrients that keep body working are divided into 6 major classes: › Carbohydrates › Proteins › Fats › Minerals › Vitamins › Water Each nutrient performs a special function in the body!
Major sources of energy in your diet 3 types › Sugars—simple carbohydrate › Starches—complex carbohydrate › Fiber—complex carbohydrate Your body changes sugars and starches into energy
Found in foods such as: › Milk › Fruits › Candy › Cookies Your body can use some right away— others are broken down into simpler sugars
Found in foods such as: › Cereals › Breads › Rice › Pasta › Starchy vegetables Before your body can use starches for energy, it must convert into simple sugars (occurs during digestion)
Your body can’t digest fiber Provides roughage for your body (stimulates normal activity of intestines) Fiber moves through your body and helps get rid of solid waste
When you eat more carbs than your body can use, some are changed to glycogen Glycogen—used for “quick energy” › Example: running to catch bus When body does not use carbs as glycogen, they are changed to fat (stored in body)
Found in all cells Needed for growth, repair, and maintenance of body tissues Made up of amino acids (building blocks for cells) Needed for chemical balance in body Builds antibodies to fight infections Two classes of proteins: › Complete proteins › Incomplete proteins
Complete proteins—provides all amino acids body needs › meat, poultry, fish, milk, cheese, and eggs Incomplete proteins– provides some, but not all amino acids › dried beans, peas, and nuts Diets low in protein: › Poor muscle tone › Lack of energy › Reduced resistance to disease
Concentrated sources of food energy Provide more than 2 times as much energy as carbs or proteins Stored beneath skin to: › Insulate body Shock Temperature changes › Cushions organs Divided into 2 classes—saturated and unsaturated fats
Meat and butter (animal sources)=higher saturated fat Corn oil or soybean oil (plant sources)=higher unsaturated fat
Body provides all the cholesterol it needs › Uses include: Making sex hormones Making vitamin D You add more cholesterol by your diet Saturated fats and cholesterol (dietary) raise blood cholesterol levels
Inorganic substances needed for building tissues and regulating body functions Do not provide body with energy › Calcium › Phosphorus › Fluorine › Iodine › Iron › Sodium › Zinc
Organic substances needed in small amounts for normal growth and maintenance of good health Most vitamin needs can be met by eating a variety of foods 2 groups › Fat-soluble =A, D, E, K › Water-soluble = B & C
FAT SOLUBLE Needed for: › Good vision › Normal growth › Healthy skin Good sources include: › Liver › Whole and fortified milk products › Fish oils › Foods that are rich in carotene Orange fruits and vegetables Dark green vegetables
FAT SOLUBLE Works with phosphorus and calcium to: › Maintain bones and teeth Often called the “sunshine vitamin” › Body makes Vitamin D when exposed sunlight Eggs, butter, fish liver oils, fortified milk › All reliable sources of Vitamin D Fortified—nutrients have been added to a food to improve nutritional value
FAT SOLUBLE Main function is to act as an antioxidant Protects blood cells and cells in lungs from oxygen damage Found in: › Vegetable oils › Whole grain cereals › Liver › Green leafy vegetables
FAT SOLUBLE Needed for proper blood clotting Digestive tract makes about ½ of needed vitamin K Found in: › Spinach › Cabbage › Eggs › Liver
WATER SOLUBLE Thiamin—helps obtain energy from food › Promotes appetite › Good digestion Riboflavin—helps obtain energy from food › healthy skin › normal vision Niacin-- helps obtain energy from food › Healthy skin › Good digestion › Proper functioning of nervous system
WATER SOLUBLE Helps hold body cells together Keeps blood vessels strong Found in: › Citrus fruits › Strawberries › Cantaloupe › Peppers › Broccoli › Tomatoes
Water is one of the most important nutrients Water helps carry nutrients to cells and waste from cells Aids in digestion and regulates body temperature You should drink 6-8 glasses each day
Eat a well-balanced diet Drink more water Limit caffeinated beverages Limit sugary drinks dy/usergames/Jan201204/game php