ENGINEERS WITHOUT BORDERS USA STATE OF EWB-USA FALL 2012 What do YOU love about EWB-USA? using #ewbusa2012
780 million people lack access to clean water 2.5 billion people lack access to improved sanitation facilities 2.5 billion people lack access to clean modern energy FACTS ABOUT OUR WORLD Which issues are you passionate about? using #ewbusa2012 Source: WHO/UNICEF 2010
EWB-USA supports community- driven development programs worldwide by collaborating with local partners to design and implement sustainable engineering projects, while creating transformative experiences and responsible leaders. Our VISION is a world in which the communities we serve have the capacity to sustainably meet their basic human needs, and that our members have enriched global perspectives. OUR VISION & MISSION
EWB-USA carries out small-scale infrastructure projects, which are initiated by the community in need. EWB-USA programs are full partnerships with a host community and one or more local NGOs. These partnerships are the basis of a long-term relationship to assure the community’s needs are sustainably met. HOW WE WORK What does sustainability mean to you? using #ewbusa2012 Our chapters make a five-year commitment to a community.
Types of EWB-USA Projects THE FIRST 10 YEARS
STORIES IN THE FIELD During a flash flood, a mother calmly waits for her girls to cross a new bridge in Matagalpa, Nicaragua. The community celebrated the opening of the bridge just one day before the flash flood. There was no safe crossing here prior to the bridge. Thanks to the Matagalpa community, the EWB-USA Rice University chapter and CH2M Hill employee Todd Wang, the community can now cross the river rain or shine. Watch the EWB-USA University of Maryland College Park chapter’s video about their project in Addis Alem, Ethiopia: 9gM
AWARDS AND RECOGNITION Chad Norvell David Lovell Dave Sacco EWB-USA’s members are world-class problem-solvers. They get their hands dirty and pour time, sweat and energy into solving some of the biggest global challenges. It’s hard to stand out from this crowd, but three EWB-USA members managed to raise the bar.
TOP 10 LESSONS LEARNED “Africa Time” does exist. Learn about the culture of your community. When in doubt, check the EWB-USA website! EWB-USA is more than one chapter. There is power (and $$$) in unity. Charity is not enough. EWB-USA is strengthening the community-driven model and driving true partnerships with the local communities. It is important to have strong mentor teams and technical leads. Collaborate with other EWB-USA chapters. Know when to use your skills but know when to step back. EWB-USA has a limitless capacity of motivated, high-achieving members. EWB-USA depends on strong in-country partners. Find the right one! Bring bug spray! What lessons have YOU learned? using #ewbusa2012
THE NEXT 10 YEARS WORKING TOWARD SUSTAINABILITY Where do you think you will be in 10 years? using #ewbusa2012 Successful Project Performance - High Functioning Chapters Mentor Teams Quality Control Educated Members Organizational Sustainability Best Practices Monitoring/Evaluation/Impact EWB-USA Courses of Excellence Organizational Fundraising
HIGH FUNCTIONING CHAPTERS Mentor Teams international, technical and construction experience, committee Quality Control deliberate quality control process, differentiated from peer review Educated Members know EWB-USA’s mission & vision, principles of development and design philosophies
Mentor Teams Professional Chapters State Representatives Guide to Finding a Mentor Mentor Evaluation Form Mentor Statement of Intent Mentor Qualifications The Unofficial Guide to Mentoring Mentor Committee Mentor Database Great Lakes Mentor Committee Proposal Start a Linked In Group on mentoring. What do you think makes a good team? using #ewbusa2012 HIGH FUNCTIONING CHAPTERS
Quality Control Professional Chapters Local Engineering Firms Example documents on the EWB-USA website HIGH FUNCTIONING CHAPTERS
Educational Resources EWB-USA Strategic Plan Principles of Development (document and webinar) Technical Webinars Project Resources Chapter Resources Regional Conferences EWB-USA Chapter Resource Guide HIGH FUNCTIONING CHAPTERS
ORGANIZATIONAL SUSTAINABILITY Best Practices – Sharing lessons learned and best practices via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and your Monitoring Reports (Form 530) Monitoring and Evaluation – Truly evaluating our impact EWB-USA Courses of Excellence Organizational Fundraising – Grant Funding Resources, Marketing Resources What do you think is the best way to share best practices? using #ewbusa2012
EWB-USA MONITORING AND EVALUATION Today, Chapters utilize the Monitoring Reporting within the Project Process Organizational Monitoring, Evaluation, and Impact System Under Design, to be completed the first half of What is a chapter’s responsibility to their project in the long-term? using #ewbusa2012 ORGANIZATIONAL SUSTAINABILITY
EWB-USA Courses of Excellence Three proficiency levels: Awareness, Competent, Mastery. Three competency areas: Self-awareness, Global Context, Technical Applications Initial roll-out of first five courses: January 1, 2013 How would you contribute to the EWB-USA curricula? using #ewbusa2012 ORGANIZATIONAL SUSTAINABILITY
WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! using #EWBUSA2012 What does your community gain from their partnership with your chapter? What do you gain from the EWB-USA experience? What should EWB-USA be doing to support your community, your chapter and you? Your responses will be re-tweeted and shared with other members and regional conferences!
FUNDRAISING RESOURCES Individual Fundraising Pages – Available Now! It’s now easier than ever to fundraise for EWB-USA! 1.Create your page 2.Set your goal 3.Tell your friends! Visit
GRANT FUNDING RESOURCES EWB-USA PROJECT GRANTS PROGRAM Twice a year, EWB-USA offers funding opportunities to support member projects. Spring 2012 Project Grants Program awarded $240,000 to 45 EWB-USA projects Fall 2012 Project Grants Program will award $322,000 to EWB-USA projects D ID YOU KNOW ? More than $1.7 Million has been awarded through EWB-USA’s Project Grants Program from 2007-today.
MARKETING RESOURCES Check out EWB-USA’s Brand Guidelines on myEWB-USA! The Chapter Communication toolkit has EWB-USA-approved brochures, posters, business cards, templates and more available for download. Do your marketing materials match EWB-USA’s Brand Guidelines?
2011 ANNUAL REPORT What was your favorite EWB-USA experience in 2011? using #ewbusa2012 What you’ll find in the Annual Report: How EWB-USA invested our dollars 2011 EWB-USA award recipients EWB-USA’s 2011 partners Who funded the 2011 Project Grants Program Stories of impact Visit: usa/annual-reports
2012 YEAR-END CAMPAIGN Campaign Goal: Raise $500,000 together Campaign Theme: Make the Connection Timeline: November 28, January 15, 2012 Details Available: November 15, 2012 Matching Fund: Corporate Partners & the EWB-USA Board of Directors will provide matching to help US meet OUR goal ? The 2012 Year-End Campaign is right around the corner!
2012 YEAR-END CAMPAIGN Donations will be matched dollar for dollar up to $10,000 per chapter or until the matching funds are depleted
2012 YEAR-END CAMPAIGN Mailing List: organize your chapter’s mailing, including s + addresses. Chapter Messaging: Draft a one-page solicitation letter asking people to invest in your chapter’s impact in communities. Match & Goal: Encourage donors to give early for Match but to also to give to reach the campaign goal. Keep fundraising: Go strong until January 15, Your chapter could be awarded an additional $5K for most dollars raised or most donations. How to prepare for the campaign now
GET INVOLVED. STAY INVOLVED. Why are YOU a member of EWB-USA? using #ewbusa2012 Become a member and change your life! To learn more about EWB-USA membership benefits, and how you can be a part of this movement, visit: EWB-USA Membership
GET IN TOUCH. STAY IN TOUCH. Engineers Without Borders USA 4665 Nautilus Court, Suite 300 Boulder, CO Make sure you receive the monthly View From HQ Google+ EWB-USA Did you know that Google is an EWB-USA corporate partner? Keep a lookout out for handy ways that your chapter can maximize Google tools, like Hangouts, groups and more! NEW!