ESPON Seminar 4-5 December 2013 in Vilnius Last steps of ESPON 2013 And towards ESPON 2020
Programme delivery 68 projects following Calls for Proposals: 25 Applied Research projects (policy driven themes) 23 Targeted Analyses (defined by stakeholder demand) 10 larger projects under Scientific Platform and Tools 8 Transnational Networking Activities..of which, 22 projects still have to deliver final results 66 actions within 16 MA led projects, all contracted as services 7 projects still ongoing including several actions Budget implementation status: All funds allocated, concerted effort avoided any de- commitment of funds in 2013, however speed shall continue in 2014
New results until end 2014 Priority I/Applied Research projects: Territorial Vision and Scenarios 2050, Green Economy, Territorial Governance, Poverty and Social Exclusion, Small and Medium sized Towns, European Neighbourhood, Economic Crisis and Regional Resilience Priority II/Targeted Analyses: Growth poles in South East Europe, Landscape 3 countries, North Sea Star Priority III/ Scientific Platform and Tools: EU Territorial Monitoring, ESPON Atlas, Detecting Territorial Potentials and Challenges, Internet online mapping tool, Territorial Evidence Packs, Baltic Sea Territorial Monitoring, City Benchmarking tool Priority IV/TNA - capitalisation by ECP network: Cadec (concepts), ENECON (North), UseESPON (use), new project envisaged, ESPON on the Road
ESPON events in 2014 Seminars, conferences and workshops: Workshop end February 2014 (theme tbd) Financial Managers Seminar in mid March 2014 Conference on Partner States on 24 March 2014 (tbc) Conference on Territorial Vision on 29 April 2014 (tbc) ESPON Open Seminar on 4-5 June 2014 in Greece ESPON Financial Managers Seminar mid July 2014 Workshop in September 2014 (theme tbd) ESPON Workshop and joint ETC Programme Workshop at Open Days, 6-9 October 2014 in Bruxelles Final Communication and Closure event on 10 October 2014 (tbc) ESPON seminar in Italy end 2014 (tbc)
ESPON publications in 2014 ESPON publications: ESPON Scientific Seminar Report II Handbook on Territorial Governance ESPON Synthesis Report III Handbook on Detecting Territorial Potentials Territorial Monitoring Booklet Territorial Vision and Scenarios reports European Territorial Monitoring Report I ESPON Atlas 5-6 ESPON Territorial Observations 6-7 ESPON Evidence Briefs
Progress towards ESPON 2020 Programme (1) Name: ESPON 2020 Programme: - European Territorial Observation Network Cornerstones endorsed at General Directors level: –MC as decision making body –Improved outreach and knowledge transfer –Swifter delivery of evidence to policy and programmes –Leaner administration and use of service contracts only –Change in institutional setup including an ESPON EGTC established in Luxembourg –EGTC performing as Single Beneficiary implementing content of OP based on grant agreement
Progress towards the ESPON 2020 Programme (2) Cornerstones endorsed at General Directors level (cont.) Specific Objectives: −Continued production of territorial evidence −Upgraded knowledge transfer and analytical user support −Improved territorial observation and tools for territorial analyses −Wider outreach and uptake of territorial evidence (in collaboration with ECP network). Priority Axes: – Territorial Evidence, Monitoring, Tools Outreach and, Knowledge Transfer (implementing 4 specific objectives) – Technical Assistance.
Progress towards ESPON 2020 Programme (3) Budget ERDF contribution 41.3 mio. Euro National contributions in discussion Finalising the Operational Programme and supporting documents: - EC Legislative Package end Secondary legislation later Submission of the OP to the EC, envisaged in April 2014 If this happens, a chance for approval by existing Commission, and a first call for tender opening at end 2014 Later submission would mean approval later in 2014 in tender opening in 2015
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