Embedded System Conference April 4-7,2006 Rob Steele Attendee
RTOS Vendors Many RTOS vendors Emphasize small systems Targeted for toaster oven Seems to be money in this market Smaller number of vendors for the larger RTOS market
Hardware Vendors (1 of 2) Start up Companies Cool hardware Just did not fit JPL Most just seemed to need capital One company was selling for $1 each Minimum order: 10,000 units No samples available
Hardware Vendors (2 of 2) Usual list of suspects were represented Analog Devices Intel National Instruments Z-World
Support Software Bug finding tools Seem like a good idea Not always fully implemented Start up companies selling these products Eclipse Seems like a good idea May actually be practical
Eclipse Technology Presentations ESC-409:: The Eclipse Device Software Platform Project Doug Gaff, Wind River Systems − White paper ESC-429: Eclipse: Under the Hood Robert Day, LynuxWorks, Inc. − White paper
Eclipse: Collaborate on the platform, but compete with commercial solutions: Actuate Bea Borland Compute Associates Compuware HP Iona IBM Intel Monta Vista Nodia Serena Sybase Sap Wind River Zend
Technology Program (1 of 2) Papers and Presentations Available on the CLARAty web site erences/2006EmbeddedSystemCon ference/TechSeminars/ Some are very much worth the time to read. William Gatliff seemed to have an excellent grip on Linux for Real-Time (and soft Real-Time) systems
Technology Program (2 of 2) Statecharts by Miro Samek Writing ISRs in C++ by Dan Saks Free and Open Source Licenses by William Gatliff Guidelines for Writing Efficient C/C++ Code by Greg Davis The 25 Most Common Mistakes with Real-Time Software Development by Dave Steward Debian as an Embedded Linux Operating Systems by William Gatliff The Linux Kernel Boot Process by William Gatliff Eclipse: Under the Hood by Robert Day Real-Time UML by Bruce Powell Douglass
Design Seminars Papers and Presentations are on the CLARAty web site erences/2006EmbeddedSystemCon ference/DesignSeminars/