Rural Development Programme Ireland Finola Moylette Department of Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs
Aims of Presentation Background Rural Development Programme 2007 – 2013 Programme Delivery Measures and Rates of Aid
LEADER EU LEADER Programmes LEADER I LEADER II LEADER+ Rural Development Programme 2007 – 2013 Council Regulation (EC) No. 1698/2005 (on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD))
Background LEADER Pre-2007 LEADER Approach – Introduced 1991 EU's strategy for 'bottom-up' rural development Co-funded programmes Local communities operating in partnership structures to identify their own development priorities and their strategies for tackling these Innovative Approaches
Structure of the RDP LEADER integrated into national/regional Rural Development Programme - mainstreamed Axis 1: Improving the competitiveness of farming and forestry Axis 2: Environment and countryside Axis 3: Improving the quality of life and diversification of the rural economy Axis 4: Implementation of the LEADER approach
RDP 2007 – 2013 Funding €5.778 billion €2.339 billion funded by European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EARDF) €3.438 billion by the National Exchequer
Programme Coverage 36 Local Action Groups (LEADER companies) countrywide Each with own allocation of funds under each measure Responsible for approving actions falling within agreed business plans Excludes Cities of Dublin, Cork, Waterford, Limerick & Galway Also excludes Hubs and Gateways (National Spatial Strategy) National and EU Regulatory Requirements
Main Players Commission – Regulatory authority Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Department of Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs Local Action Groups (LAGs) Project Promoters (Applicants) Also outside auditing bodies – Deloitte and Touche
Departmental Functions Limited role in Programme Delivery Reporting and monitoring Support to LAGs Advice on eligibility of projects Ensuring compliance with programme rules and objectives Inspections and audits of project files Making relevant payments to LAGs and monitoring expenditure
Local Action Group Functions Local Development Strategy Day to day delivery of the programme on the ground Helping communities/groups to develop ideas/applications Processing applications Determining eligibility Checking compliance with rules etc Reporting back to the Department
Application Process Pre application work – LAG assistance to groups Application to LAG Assessed by LAG Evaluation Committee Board Decision Letter of Offer (contract) Project completed Claim - Evidence of expenditure Payment by Department to LAG and on to Promoter
Checks on Applications Administrative checks by the Local Action Groups required on all applications and claims for payment The eligibility of the application / claim Compliance of the project with – Commission Regulations Public Procurement State Aid National Operating Rules etc 5% of expenditure to be checked by Dept pre payment 1% to be checked after payment
Axis 3/4– Improving the Quality of Life Objective – Improve the quality of life in rural areas and encourage diversification Commenced in Feb 2009 Funding of €425m - 55% of which from EU €234m EU and €191m National Focus on developing ICT capabilities Tourism infrastructure Community services and facilities Business creation and development
Measures under Axis 3 & 4 Diversification into non-agricultural activities Support for business creation and development Encouragement of tourism activities Basic services for the economy and rural population Village renewal and development Conservation and upgrading of rural heritage Training and Information Skills acquisition and animation Implementing co-operation projects
Diversification into Non-Agricultural Activities Funding available - €16.66m Examples of eligible activities Provision of tourism facilities Development of niche tourism and educational services Development of farm shops
Support for Business Creation and Development Funding available – €48.26m Examples of eligible activities Assistance for start-up and existing micro- enterprises Development of innovative products and activities Assistance to add value to local products Actions to foster rural entrepreneurship
Encouragement of Tourism Activities Funding available – €45.40m Examples of eligible activities Provision of infrastructural needs for tourism and countryside recreation Maintenance of vernacular features Development of forests Development of niche tourism
Basic Services for the Economy and Rural Population Funding available – €49.61m Examples of eligible activities Amenity and leisure facilities Cultural activities Certain arts facilities General community and recreational infrastructure
Village Renewal and Development Funding available - €54.20m Examples of eligible activities Environmental upgrading Public utilities General surface upgrading and renovation of derelict buildings Farmers Markets
Conservation and Upgrading of the Rural Heritage Funding available - €51.70m Examples of eligible activities Preservation and development of vernacular architecture Restoration and development of locally significant natural areas Environmental initiatives Alternative renewable actions
Training and Information Funding available - €29.45m Examples of eligible activities Provision of general and specialised training courses Development of training facilities Provision of flexible learning opportunities Developing capacity of rural dwellers to utilise ICT
Skills Acquisition and Animation Funding available - €34.63m Examples of eligible activities Actions to create awareness, understanding and motivation in rural communities Initiatives to animate specific interest or marginal groups to harness unique potential
Implementing Co-operation Projects Funding available – €10.70m Examples of eligible activities Trans-national Inter-territorial
Measures of interest to Tidy Towns Basic Services for the Economy and Rural Population Amenity, Leisure, Arts, Recreational Facilities Village Renewal and Development Environmental upgrading of parks, civic areas, street lighting, renovation of derelict buildings etc. Conservation and Upgrading of the Rural Heritage Restoration/preservation of locally significant areas Total of more than €155m available under the programme
Co Funding with Local Authorities Co funding allowed under the 3 measures LA can contribute up to 20% of cost Can contribute ‘in kind’ or cash 5% of overall cost must be cash Max grant aid between RDP and LA = 95% Cannot replace or supplement LA activities LA Cannot tender to carry out the work on a commercial basis Cannot carry out general maintenance
Rates of Aid and Grant Ceilings As a general rule: Maximum Rate – 50% private promoters – 75% community promoters Maximum Amount – €150,000 Exceptions – up to max €200,000 for private promoters and up to max €500,000 for flagship community projects Analysis & Development: Community Projects – 90% to max €30,000 Private Promoters – 75% to max €30,000 Training: Rate of Aid 100% to max €200,000
Spend Profile €425m to be allocated by 2013 All must be spent by 2015 €21m approx spent in 2009 €40m available in 2010 €73m on average to be spent annually between 2011 and 2015 Government fully committed to spending the full amount
Contact Details Department Website Each LAG has its own website Full list of LAGs and their contact details on Dept Website