GridPP Presentation to AstroGrid 13 December 2001 Steve Lloyd Queen Mary University of London.


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Presentation transcript:

GridPP Presentation to AstroGrid 13 December 2001 Steve Lloyd Queen Mary University of London

GridPPAstroGrid 13 December 2001Slide 2 GridPP Overview Provide architecture and middleware Provide testbeds using simulation data Provide testbeds using real data Future LHC Experiments Running US Experiments Build prototype Tier-1 and Tier-2s in the UK and implement middleware in experiments

GridPPAstroGrid 13 December 2001Slide 3 Financial Breakdown £17M CERN Staff Hardware DataGrid Staff GridPP Staff + Managers UK Hardware Displacement £1.3M £2.5M £2.8M £2.5M Travel + Training etc £0.9M BaBar Tier-A and Prototype LHC Tier-1 15 New posts for Experimental Applications £4.5M 15 New posts for DataGrid Middleware Prototype CERN Tier-0 New posts in CERN IT Division

GridPPAstroGrid 13 December 2001Slide 4 Major Deliverables Prototype I - March 2002 Performance and scalability testing of components Testing of the job scheduling and data replication software from the first DataGrid release. Prototype II - March 2003 Prototyping of the integrated local computing fabric, with emphasis on scaling, reliability and resilience to errors. Performance testing of LHC applications. Distributed HEP and other science application models using the second DataGrid release. Prototype III - March 2004 Full scale testing of the LHC computing model with fabric management and Grid management software for Tier-0 and Tier-1 centres, with some Tier-2 components.

GridPPAstroGrid 13 December 2001Slide 5 Middleware Deliverables Grid Architecture –Assess final DataGrid architecture as used in prototypes. Compare with other related projects. Security –Develop authentication and authorisation scheme using certificates, management of local authorisation, standard interfaces. Workload Management –Develop uniform Job Description Language, integrate into existing schedulers and optimization. Data Management –Metadata services to enable data replication, synchronization, data caching and optimisation.

GridPPAstroGrid 13 December 2001Slide 6 Middleware Deliverables Grid Monitoring –Publication of information services, monitoring of static and dynamic metrics to enable resource allocation algorithms. Fabric Monitoring –Automated installation of Grid middleware on multiple sites enabling rapid deployment of components. Mass Storage –Interface to various data storage solutions. Testbed –Prototype development and tools to enable VOs to share resources. Network Services –Deployment of end to end networking tools, publication of network resource information, deployment of high rate transport solutions and tests of packet prioritisation services.

GridPPAstroGrid 13 December 2001Slide 7 Application Deliverables LHC Experiments –Build Grid Application Frameworks based on DataGrid Prototype releases. Demonstrate a significant fraction of distributed Grid required for LHC programme. BaBar Experiment (SLAC) –Adapt application framework to DataGrid prototype release. Demonstrate use of Grid for production analysis. FermiLab Experiments –Build Grid frameworks based on the SAM Architecture incorporating Globus components. Demonstrate production data analysis and MC production on the Grid. Smaller Experiments and Lattice QCD –Test Grid Technology in smaller environment implementing modest data management system applicable across experimental domains.

GridPPAstroGrid 13 December 2001Slide 8 EU DataGrid Map Centre

GridPPAstroGrid 13 December 2001Slide 9

GridPPAstroGrid 13 December 2001Slide 10

GridPPAstroGrid 13 December 2001Slide 11 GEANT Network Weathermap

GridPPAstroGrid 13 December 2001Slide 12 Project Management Board Project LeaderTony DoyleGlasgow Deputy Project Leader John GordonRAL Chair of Collaboration BoardSteve LloydQueen Mary Chair of Technical BoardPeter ClarkeUCL Chair of Experiments BoardNick BrookBristol Deputy Chair of EBRoger BarlowManchester Resource ManagerDave BrittonIC DataGrid UK Project LeaderRobin MiddletonRAL CERN LiaisonLes RobertsonCERN e-Science DirectorNeil GeddesPPARC See:

GridPPAstroGrid 13 December 2001Slide 13 UK DataGrid Contacts UK Co-ordinator Robin Middleton Architecture Task Force Steve Fisher Security Dave Kelsey WP1 Workload ManagementDavid Colling WP2 Data ManagementTony Doyle WP3 Grid MonitoringSteve Fisher WP4 Fabric ManagementPaul Anderson WP5 Mass StorageJohn Gordon WP6 Integration Test BedAndrew McNab WP7 Network ServicesPeter Clarke WP8 HEP Applications

GridPPAstroGrid 13 December 2001Slide 14 GridPP Status EU DataGrid started 1st January 2001 (funds 5 UK posts). GridPP started 1st September Management Structure up and running. Project Manager appointed from 1st September. PMB meets weekly by VC and monthly in person. Already allocated ~16 new posts to work on EU DataGrid - partly in post (mostly middleware development). About to announce 15 new posts (mostly experimental implementation). About to Tender for £900k hardware for Tier-1/A Centre at RAL and £300k for Tier-0 at CERN. In process of allocating ~12 joint CERN/PPARC Fellowships. First EU DataGrid Testbed deployed - at 11 Dec consists of CERN, CNAF (Bologna), RAL and Manchester.