T E M P U S S_JEP BG T E M P U S S_JEP BG JEP MONITORING VISIT March 2000 MONITORING VISIT JEP DEVELOPING OF BACHELOR DEGREE IN CHEMISTRY DEVELOPING OF BACHELOR DEGREE IN CHEMISTRY of Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Plovdiv 30 March, 2000 at a.m. Visit from Bulgarian National Tempus Office in the frame of the European Commission Monitoring policy for the Tempus scheme
T E M P U S S_JEP BG T E M P U S S_JEP BG JEP MONITORING VISIT March 2000 Development of a new modular based Bachelor degree curriculum in Chemistry at the four participating Bulgarian universities, through Restructuring existing courses and development of new courses. Preparation for adopting of a study credit transfer and evaluation system in this area based on the ECTS model. Development of a new modular based Bachelor degree curriculum in Chemistry at the four participating Bulgarian universities, through Restructuring existing courses and development of new courses. Preparation for adopting of a study credit transfer and evaluation system in this area based on the ECTS model. JEP OBJECTIVES: December June 2000
T E M P U S S_JEP BG T E M P U S S_JEP BG JEP MONITORING VISIT March 2000 Respect to all partners and the academic freedom of participating Universities. Transparency in all management of the JEP and decision making process. Attraction of a large number of active participants in and announcement of their particular contribution. Respect to all partners and the academic freedom of participating Universities. Transparency in all management of the JEP and decision making process. Attraction of a large number of active participants in and announcement of their particular contribution. Principals of the JEP Coordination :
T E M P U S S_JEP BG T E M P U S S_JEP BG JEP MONITORING VISIT March 2000 I. Detailed description of the status of the Bulgarian chemistry higher education II. Accomplishment of inter-partner communication network. A WWW Home Page of the JEP III. A new JEP – recommended curriculum for a bachelor degree in chemistry ( four years of study). IV. Improvement of teaching and laboratory facilities for fulfilment the new bachelor curriculum in chemistry VI. Modules in chemistry, reconstructed by adopting of the EU experience I. Detailed description of the status of the Bulgarian chemistry higher education II. Accomplishment of inter-partner communication network. A WWW Home Page of the JEP III. A new JEP – recommended curriculum for a bachelor degree in chemistry ( four years of study). IV. Improvement of teaching and laboratory facilities for fulfilment the new bachelor curriculum in chemistry VI. Modules in chemistry, reconstructed by adopting of the EU experience JEP outcomes achieved
T E M P U S S_JEP BG T E M P U S S_JEP BG JEP MONITORING VISIT March 2000 A joint curriculum for a bachelor degree in chemistry in accordance with the Higher Education Act in BG was created and it was submitted to the National Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education. 1. The developed JEP curriculum was proposed as a recommended one to the faculties of chemistry at the BG partner-universities. 2. The partners agreed that the bachelor’s degree, obtained in BG universities is equivalent to the degree: Licenciado in Spain future BC in Germany Maitrise in France First JEP Year FINAL CONCLUSIONS
T E M P U S S_JEP BG T E M P U S S_JEP BG JEP MONITORING VISIT March 2000 Mobility distribution second JEP work year EU - BG partners
T E M P U S S_JEP BG T E M P U S S_JEP BG JEP MONITORING VISIT March 2000 Mobility distribution second JEP work year EU - BG partners
Preparation for the purchase of equipment: Local meeting of Bulgarian partners Commission for selection and tender Launching Seminar : Purchase of teaching and laboratory equipment 1. Purchase of the main part of the equipment Distribution of the equipment to the BGU partners Purchase of supplementary teaching equipment Purchase of the literature Purchase of consumables, spare parts for the rest of the budget for equipment Audit ETF - Moore Stephens Chartered Accountants Teaching and laboratory facilities T E M P U S S_JEP BG JEP MONITORING VISIT March 2000
COORDINATOR - CONTRACTOR MEETINGS Work meeting of PMG Grenoble (2 E-W mobility/T3 ) Monitoring meeting - Plovdiv LOCAL COORDINATORS MEETINGS Plovdiv University - Shoumen University Plovdiv University - Bourgas University Plovdiv University - Sofia University JEP MANAGEMENT MEETINGS T E M P U S S_JEP BG JEP MONITORING VISIT March 2000
T E M P U S S_JEP BG T E M P U S S_JEP BG JEP MONITORING VISIT March 2000 Financial management problems: After successful monitoring and financial audit from the Commission our project was granted with 83,250 EURO for the second period 1999 – June ETF informed us that the first installment of the grant has been made in June 1999, and the second one in September 1999 The Contractor - Joseph Fourier University Grenoble distributed the first part of budget in December 1999 The JEP partners haven't received yet the 2nd installment of the project grant. After successful monitoring and financial audit from the Commission our project was granted with 83,250 EURO for the second period 1999 – June ETF informed us that the first installment of the grant has been made in June 1999, and the second one in September 1999 The Contractor - Joseph Fourier University Grenoble distributed the first part of budget in December 1999 The JEP partners haven't received yet the 2nd installment of the project grant.
T E M P U S S_JEP BG T E M P U S S_JEP BG JEP MONITORING VISIT March 2000 Originated problems: The long delay in budget distribution considerably hampers the project coordination and activities. The long delay in budget distribution considerably hampers the project coordination and activities. 9 E-W professor’s mobilities, already organized to France, Germany and Spain have been failed. 6 planed W-E visits of EU experts have been postponed too. The preparation of the forthcoming final JEP WORKSHOP in Sofia is questionable. The long delay in budget distribution considerably hampers the project coordination and activities. The long delay in budget distribution considerably hampers the project coordination and activities. 9 E-W professor’s mobilities, already organized to France, Germany and Spain have been failed. 6 planed W-E visits of EU experts have been postponed too. The preparation of the forthcoming final JEP WORKSHOP in Sofia is questionable.
T E M P U S S_JEP BG T E M P U S S_JEP BG JEP MONITORING VISIT March 2000 Measures done : 1. We have opened a discussion forum by Internet with the aim to find formulas in solving financial problems. 2. We have arranged an urgent Management meeting between all Local Managers from France, Spain, Germany and Bulgaria and Financial administration office at JFU. 3. We informed the BG NTO and ETF to ask for assistance in solving this problem.
T E M P U S S_JEP BG T E M P U S S_JEP BG JEP MONITORING VISIT March 2000 JEP outcomes planned: Outcome VI. Four main modules in chemistry, reconstructed by adopting of the EU experience Outcome VII. New introduced courses for fulfilment of the curriculum. Outcome VIII. New common credit system in the BGU for assessment and grading of students in chemistry. Outcome IX. Project agreement for recognising B.Sc. Chemistry diplomas, preparation of BGU for the ERASMUS programme. Outcome VI. Four main modules in chemistry, reconstructed by adopting of the EU experience Outcome VII. New introduced courses for fulfilment of the curriculum. Outcome VIII. New common credit system in the BGU for assessment and grading of students in chemistry. Outcome IX. Project agreement for recognising B.Sc. Chemistry diplomas, preparation of BGU for the ERASMUS programme.
T E M P U S S_JEP BG T E M P U S S_JEP BG V. Kmetov ALICANTE - February 2000
T E M P U S S_JEP BG T E M P U S S_JEP BG JEP MONITORING VISIT March 2000 INFORMATION on study programmes and student achievements, MUTUAL AGREEMENT between the partner institutions and the student USE OF ECTS CREDITS to indicate student’s workload. ECTS system is based on three core elements:
T E M P U S S_JEP BG T E M P U S S_JEP BG JEP MONITORING VISIT March 2000 To get acquainted with the manner of teaching at the EU universities - syllabus; direct learning, lab-practices, students assessment. Assignment of coherent; elective courses which could be introduced in BGU for updating and elaboration of the Bc.Sc chemistry curriculum. Evaluation of the level of similarity between the training process in Partner Universities. Evaluation of the level of similarity between the training process in Partner Universities. Studying the ECTS model in order to adopt the host experience in BGU. To get acquainted with the manner of teaching at the EU universities - syllabus; direct learning, lab-practices, students assessment. Assignment of coherent; elective courses which could be introduced in BGU for updating and elaboration of the Bc.Sc chemistry curriculum. Evaluation of the level of similarity between the training process in Partner Universities. Evaluation of the level of similarity between the training process in Partner Universities. Studying the ECTS model in order to adopt the host experience in BGU. Objectives the visits
T E M P U S S_JEP BG T E M P U S S_JEP BG JEP MONITORING VISIT March 2000 VI. Four main modules in chemistry, reconstructed by adopting of the EU experience JEP Workshop in Plovdiv 8 W-E mobility / T July 1999 Retraining the BG academic staff in EU 16 E-W mobility/T4 2 weeks July March 2000 BGU Internet discussion for introducing new courses in chemistry July 1999-May 2000 BGU Internet discussion for introducing new courses in chemistry July 1999-May 2000 Teaching assignment for the EU professors in the BGU 8 W-E mobility T1 1 week February May 2000 Teaching assignment for the EU professors in the BGU 8 W-E mobility T1 1 week February May 2000 Training BG staff in the EUU 7 E-W mobility - T4- 4 weeks January April 2000 Training BG staff in the EUU 7 E-W mobility - T4- 4 weeks January April 2000 VII. New introduced courses for fulfilment of the curriculum.
T E M P U S S_JEP BG T E M P U S S_JEP BG JEP MONITORING VISIT March 2000 VIII. New common credit system in the BGU for assessment and grading of chemistry students Internet conference on problems of introducing the ECTS in the BGU July June 2000 Workshop for establishment of a credit system (ECTS) in BGU 7 W-E mobility - T3 - 1 week May 2000 Workshop for academic recognition together with workshop for establishment of a credit system (ECTS) in BGU 7 W-E mobility - T3 - 1 week May 2000 IX. Project agreement for recognising B.Sc. Chemistry diplomas, preparation of BGU for the Erasmus programme.
T E M P U S S_JEP BG T E M P U S S_JEP BG JEP MONITORING VISIT March 2000 If the man thinks for a year ahead - he sows a corn field. for a year ahead - he sows a corn field. for 10 years ahead - he builds a house. for 10 years ahead - he builds a house. for 50 years ahead - he opens a school. for 50 years ahead - he opens a school. for a future century - he creates a University. for a future century - he creates a University. If the man thinks for a year ahead - he sows a corn field. for a year ahead - he sows a corn field. for 10 years ahead - he builds a house. for 10 years ahead - he builds a house. for 50 years ahead - he opens a school. for 50 years ahead - he opens a school. for a future century - he creates a University. for a future century - he creates a University.