ARACHNID'S Scorpions,spiders, mites, and ticks By:Andrew Lee, Noah Martens and Simon Netznick
Define Arachnid What is an Arachnid's characteristics? Have a hard exoskeleton. Jointed appendages (used to walk) Have eight legs Have no antennae Some have parts that inject venom into others Only have 2 body parts cephalothorax and abdomen
Scorpions in General Characteristics of a scorpion. Some are poisonous. They have a tail. They prefer a hot climate. They usually travel in colonies. A small number of them are actually dangerous to humans. Most if not all scorpions that can hurt humans are small.
Scorpions diet and defense/offence What do scorpions eat? They mainly eat any bug they can find. How Scorpions defend themselves. They don't really defend themselves they just kill the predator by stinging it or attacking it with their claws so basically their offense is their defense They're offense is they stab their opponent with their pointed tails or attack with their claws. (even if they aren't poisonous) Then they can dig in.
The parts of a scropion What the parts are and do. There is a part of scorpion called a telson this part lies on the end of its tail and holds the venom This part is near the mouth and you may define as its “claws”
Here is an emperor scorpion
This is a very simple diagram of a scorpion
Spiders in General Characteristics of a spider All spiders spin silk,but most of them spin silk by using the spinnerets under the end of the abdomen so they are able to spin silk behind them. Most have 8 eyes but some have less or none They can only eat liquids because they lack chewing parts of their mouth
Different kinds of spiders How many? There are more then 40,000 different kinds of spiders throughout the world! Famous spiders The Biggest Spider in the world is called the Goliath spider it is 1foot long! And its fangs are 1in long! The most poisonous spider in the world is the Brazilian wandering spider it can kill a mouse with 0.000000021oz. Of its venom! Then of course the famous tarantula known as a big hairy spider.
A Spiders Defense and Offense Defense & Offense A spider uses these tactics to get away from a predator: it can run away,hide with its camouflage, or even scare its predator away. Then it catches prey with it's web. Then waits till its prey is stuck it then goes up to it and injects venom into it so I cant get away. It wraps it's prey up in a web and saves it for later. Some spiders just steal food from others
A Spider's Diet What different spiders eat Most spiders eat insects Some eat birds or mammals Some eat other spiders Some eat worms and/or leaves
Parts of a spider The parts and what they do. They have the same things as normal Arachnids like a: cephelathorax, abdomen, and eight legs. They're fangs are called Chelicera. They have Palps used for mating. Most have eyes but some don't they most eyes spider can have is eight.
A Spider in a different habitat
A Spider and his prize
Mites in General General stuff about Mites. They are small most being microscopic. Only some are parasites. (mainly on birds and other mammals) Feed on outer skin. Pass on old and make new diseases.
Diseases mites spread The diseases Scabies is one diseases and its symptoms are: inflammation of the skin,and dry and itchy skin Then there are mites such as dust mites that trigger allergies.
A mites life cycle They start as eggs When the hatch they have six legs They grow into adult hood by shedding.
A mites diet A example of a mites diet from a dust mite They enjoy eating your skin. We shed 35,000 cells of skin every day,which is enough to feed almost 1 million mites. They don't have a digestive system so they digest outside their body Their food eventually=allergens mites/D89B4E26DC5F028FA5A2D89B4E26DC5F 028FA5A2
A common mite
Ticks in general All 'bout Ticks They are tiny little bugs the crawl on your body find a spot they like and drink your blood (so like vampires but real). Ticks spread many diseases the one most commonly known as lyme disease
Life cycle of a tick It starts in an egg Then, a larva with six legs Then a eight legged larva called a nymph Finally, it reaches adulthood
The life cycle of a tick Part II
A ticks diet What and how it eats It eats by latching onto something or someone and using the thing they latched onto called a “host” to feed themselves. A tick will only eat one thing and one thing only and I bet you can't guess it........really no one can guess..........Well....since you cant guess its kinda..........BLOOD and only BLOOD!
A tick
THE CREDITS/BIBLIOGRAPHY mites/D89B4E26DC5F028FA5A2D89B4E26DC5F028FA5A2 5#focal=b90c607c13b939d4ad260ee9fefa6bf8& dust_mite_4_hnd.jpg
SPECIAL THANKS We would like to thank one person and one group of people without which this wouldn't have been possible First we would like to thank Mr.Weidman cause we want a good grade. And second we would like to thank the...HAPPY LLAMMA SOCITY FOR THEIR FUNDING OF THIS PROJECT!!!!